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The perfect weekly account, N/A, 28th March-2nd April 1649 E.549[3]

shall bee proscribed and banished as traytors and enemies to the
Common wealth, &c.
Resolved, &c. That all other Delinquents, members of this Common
wealth (not comprehended in the former exceptions) shall be
admitted to compound (except papists in Arms, for whose compositions
Rules are not yet agreed upon.)
Resolved &c. That the time for the coming in of all Delinquents
within the Land, whose habitations are within 80 miles of London,
and for the filing of their petitions and perticulars, shall be before
the 20 day of Aprill next; and for all others residing at a further distance
before the of May.
Resolved, &c. That the times for perfecting the compositions of
such Delinquents, that is to say, for submitting to their fines, & paying
one moity and securing the remainder at three months day, shal
be 6 weeks from the respective days before limited for filing their
petitions and perticulars.
Resolved, &c. That the time for the coming in of Delinquents not
excepted, now beyond Seas, and out of this Land, shall be the first
of June next, for the filing of their perticulars and petitions, and six
weekes after for the perfecting of their compositions, as is before
Resolved &c. That the Rents and profits of all sequestred Estates
(except the persons before excepted) growing due at our Lady day
next shall be stayed and detained in the Tenants hands, untill the
first day of June next.
Resolved &c. That the estates of all such persons who shall neglect
to render themselves, and submit to their compositions at the respective
times before limited, shall be confiscate and converted to the
use of the Comon-wealth, and no further allowance shall be thence
forth made out of the same to the wife or children of any such Delinquent.
Resolved, &c. That Delinquents who were formerly excepted from
pardon by their perticular names or titles, who have not beene formerly,
but now are admitted to composition (except such as have
already compounded) shall pay one full moiety of the true value of
their Estates.
Resolved, &c. That if any person not yet sequestred, who conceives
or doubts himself to be liable to Sequestration for any thing said or
done in relation to the War, and was not personally and publikely
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