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The kingdomes faithfull and impartiall, Number 10, 30th March-6th April 1649 E.529[8]

very great task in hand, and is like to meet with many difficulties especially considering
how small a Councell he hath, and they much divided and full of saction. Vantrump the
States Admirall, hath set forth a Declaration, and presented it to his Highnesse, which
gives great satisfaction in relation to the affairs at Sea.
Hague Stilonovo, 30 Martij, 1649,
There is a petition drawn up from many well affected persons in the county
of Kent; wherein they acknowledge their approbation of the proceedings of the
Parl. in executing Justice upon Grand Delinquents, and hope that their future
proceedings will likewise extend to the freedom of the Nation, and make then
a free people:they also desire that this Parliament may not be dissolved, until they
have effected the great work in hand, for setling peace, righteousnesse, and freedom
throughout these Dominions.
The Lord Mayor of London (this day) attended the House, according to summons,
and being called in, and demanded the reason of his contempt, in non conforming
to the Order of the House; He pleaded tha he had takea he Oath of Supremacy,
and the Oath of Allegeance, &c. and thereupon made it a sc[unr]uple of conscience
as to himself; but said if any other were commanded to proclaim the said
Act, he would not hinder the doing thereof. After this, he was commanded to
withdraw, and the House taking into consideration this bold contempt against authority,
and the evill consequence it might be of, in a Magistrace of so great eminency,
as his Lordship is, they proceeded to certain Votes the effect whereof follow.
I Resolved &c. That Alderman Reynoldson Lord Mayor of the City of London,
shall endure two moneths imprisonment in the Tower of London.
2 Resolved, &c. That he pay by way of fine for his offence 2000.l.
3 Resolved, &c. That he be no longer Major of the said City.
Those called by the name of Anabaptists have presented a Representation of
their thankfulnes for the liberty they enjoy in their Religion, (a very zealous one-needed,
with a ------ &c.) and withall acquainted them that there were some endeavours
to procure subscriptions to the second part of England Chaines, in their
Congregations, but they refused. These clawing expressions, gave occasion of a
good resentment, and the Representers were promised protection and encouragement.
Tuesday Aprill 3.
LEtters from Barwick intimate, That there is a great rising in the North of
Scotland, by the Gourdons and the Oglebyes and that they have many thousands
in Arms, vowing to revenge the death of the Marq. of Huntley, who (in
my last I told you) was beheaded in the Market place at Edenburgh, by command
of the Parl. of Scotland, the manner thus: A Scaffold being set up, he was brought
to it from the castle by the Baylists, with a strong guard, as soon as he was entred
upon it, he went about it viewing the Instrument of Execution, and the Spectators
being many on all sides, he made this ensuing Speech to the people.
I Am brought hither to undergo the execution of a decree given against
my life, for having spent some little (and indeed too little) time thereof
in demonstrating my obedience, and endeavoring to have done some service
to my sacred soveraign: sorry I am (and sorry should [unr] be too) that I
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