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The kingdomes faithfull and impartiall, Number 15, 4th-11th May 1649 E.530[2]

Yesterday was the Fast, three Ministers preached before the House, and indeed
owe said they had more need of three score. Some part of their Sermons were, That
faster the Oppressor was taken away, the oppression ought not to be continued;
and that it was better for true Patriots, to be poor in a rich Common wealth,
then rich in a distracted, poor, and almost ruined Nation, This was thought no good
Doctrine, which occasioned the House the next day, to order. That the Act prohibiting
Ministers to meddle with State affairs, should be reported Friday next; besides, these
Ministers were not ordered to print their Serm a The University of Cambridg, and
Colledge of Winchester, to be regulated by the same Committee as Oxford.
Self is all in all Governments of late and Creatures preferred (though weaks) to make
it firmer. The consideration of a new and equall Representative, deferred till tomorrow.
No hast for this. The Ginny Frigot lately taken, to be set out again, the
well affected owners thereof, to have reparations for their part in her: But when?
Letters came this day from Plymouth, to Derby house, intimating, That a Squadron
of our ships met the James of 100 Tun, and the Fame of 150 Tun, with five
other Vessels: the richnesse of the prize invited our Mariners to a bold attempt,
which was blest with a speedy successe, the dispute continued not above an hour,
in which conflict they took all the seven ships, and brought them into Plymouth
Harbour, But not without lesse of some.
An Act was brought in for stating the accounts of Officers and soldiers which
have done service for the Parliament, which was read and committed, Lieut. col.
Throgmorten was ordered his Arrears out of a confiscated estate by him discovered.
Report was made to the House that the Lord Edward Howard was elected
Burgesse of the city of carlisse. Ordered that the Speaker of the House grant
passes to such persons as were within the Articles of Pontefract, some of them
having been staid, and not admitted to go over Sea, which they are to doe by the
said Articles, The House was also informed, that many which had Articles granted
heretofore, had been denied the benefit thereof: whereupon a Committee
was appointed to consider of all grievances of this nature.
A Declaration of the proceedings of the Kings of Scotland, &c.
SIR, The King of Scotland hath given his finall non-complying answer to the Scots
commissioners, and by his Manifesto to them, it doth appear visible, that he is resolved
for Ireland, Vantrump the Dutch Admiral is designed for his convoy; great
are the preparations here for Warlike Discipline, both at home and abroad; and it is
frequently rumoredat Court, that the Kings of France, Spain, and Denmark, have
declared that they wil assist the King of Great Brittain (for so they have entituled
Him with men money, horse and arms; but when? no time is prefixed. Drums beat up
for Voluntiers, and proclamation hath been made (in the young Kings name) that all
Gentlemen soulders, Sea. men, and others, that are willing to serve in the present expedition,
on under his Majesty shall receive present entertainment and accommodation, &c.
but very few adheres thereunto, the major part declining engagement; yet Maj. Gen.
Massey seems active for his young master, since his deserting of his old ones, chusing
rather to serve one, than mans, and hath received commission from the Prince to raise
Forces; who upon the receipt hereof, declared a great deal of willingnesse to serve His
Maj. The young King hath remonstrated to the States, the reasons why he could not
comply with the Scots, in reference to their high Demands.
Hague 7 May, 1649.
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