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The kingdomes faithfull and impartiall, Number 15, 4th-11th May 1649 E.530[2]

Saturday May 5.
TWo of Capt. Savages Troop which were in the businesse for which Mr. Lockier
died, rode the Wooden horse this day in the Palace yard; they endured
pain Souldier like, with much courage: One of them found fault with tying of
a musket to his heels, saying it should have been a Carbine: He said that he had
seven yeers kept a good horse for the Parl. service, and now. Behold! the horse he
was set upon. He askt why they rode not (according to Sentence) in Bishopsgate
street, where the people knew what their offence was, which was signified in a
paper on his breasts: The other said little, yet oftentimes smiled upon some Officers
of the Army, saying That he longed to be smoaking, &c.
A Letter was intercepted by Capt. Molton, going from one of the Prince his
Servants, in the Isle of Jersey, to his Agent in Ireland as followeth.
SIR, I received your last by honest Capt. Allen, who was as welcome to these
Isles, as possibly we could make him, and I hope his Majesties Navy wil have
good cause to resort here often, and make themselves and us fortunate; and in a
short time make his Majesty rich and formidable, a smal brother of Virginia did
yesterday sayl, near some outward Rocks called the Bishop and his clerks (which
often prove more fatall then the popes bull) and being discovered from the top
of the castle; a signall was given and a Boat sent to the Roe Buck, who was as
nimble as a hawk, and presently drew up his Anchor and went to sail: The Charles
was in chase two hours, before of another great ship, who was passing 500. souldiers
for the King of Spain to Ogstend, but that service understood, Capt. Allen
dismissed her for the King of Spaines sake, and the Charles and the Roe Bucke
made towards the Virginia Merchant, yeelded so much as without once verily
or indeed, and now you see in a second experience how considerable this eye of
England is, which if tenderly regarded may make London and all England weep,
and command their wealth, who at first fomented, and as yet maintained the
black treason murther and Rebellion. To observe another blessing upon the
Navy this day, by an increase upon Sir Henry Stradling, and addition of fortune
who though he was carried easterly besides the Islands, yet hath gained his mistake
of the Isles, and hath taken another brother of Virginia, who is laden with
bacc[unr] and some Bever skins, thus God gives new additions of strength and victory
dayly for his Majesties service, and I hope hope his Majesty will thrive to a
very great condition in a short time, now as the Navy groweth daily most happily,
so do these Islands, by prince Ruperts great care and favour (thrive into a
great security, I am to acquaint you with our condition concerning ammunition
and provision, which by reason of the dayly addition of souldiers, and strangers
cannot but wast; and therfore you wil do his Majesty very good service to put the
Prince in mind of sending of them on all opportunityes to the Island, especially,
salt powder, and Corn, (for whatsoever captain Cornelius hath befallen) those
things are in an hourly consumption, and their supply so very necessary, that there
is not above three months provisions of corn, and the way to the Market is very
dangerous, and the Governour therefore desires you to present to the Prince that
Hignesse will please to have such thoughts of the Magazines and stores here, as to
advance them to a years provision at least, and I am bold to tell you that the advantage
will prove as considerable to the Navy as to the Island, which on all occasions
cannot reach other Islands, and therefore must sometime be forced to seek
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