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The kingdomes faithfull and impartiall, Number 15, 4th-11th May 1649 E.530[2]

them here (as most probable the surest and fittest place. And now from these
more publik affaires let me accquaint you that the church of England is practised
here according to the patern at the Kings Chappell as near as possible, and as
establisht by Law, and the Governour, is so carefull of Gods honour, that though
Papists of sectaries may Land or Trade, or live here, yet none shall dare to defame
the Catholik service of God, and desire you and your fellow Commissioners on
affair occasions to supply this place with books, if they come to be dispessessed
Sorling April 15.
Your assured loving friend and Servant.
Edw. Wolby
The levelling party are very active abroad, for the becoming formidable, and
many in the Army adhere to them, as appears by their late Representation, the
substance whereof I shall briefly demonstrate as followeth.
OH! How happy were England, were mens designs of instiming it here at
an end? How gladly should they break off, and desist from further actings,
in praising the Lord for for his mercy and goodnesse to the people of this Nation?
But alas! their hearts are full of grief, and their eyes are as full of tears as ever;
they cry out they are deceived, their expectations frustrated, and their liberties
betrayed; they take up David's complaint, it is not an open enemy that enslaves
them, nor damme Cavaliers, but Religions and Godly friend, that have prayed,
declared, and fought together for Freedom with them; that with their Swords
have cut in under the Chains of other Tyrants, and yet now are become the
greatest Tyrants over their Bretheren themselves, which when they can refrains
from sighing and sobbing, they in their broken and rustick language thus expatiates:
All the forms of Government being corrupted and abused, the Laws and
Administration perverted, and the peoples liberties betrayed; it was promised
that a new Foundation should be laid by an Agreement of the people, to such righteous
principles of Justice and common Right, that (as to humane Reason) it
should be impossible for any Tyrant in this or future Generation to introduce
bondage. And whereas they much rejoyced in the extraordinary action of sitting
the House of Commons, wholly taking away the House of Peers, and the burning
of rotten posts only sit for the fire, in order to the setting up a new frame,
consisting of found and well seasoned Timber under which the English Nation
might find shelter from future storms and tempests; but their joy is now turned
into sorrow, and their mirth into morning; and that for these grounds is, viz.
3 The Agreement of the people is waved in order to which the other actions were
only justifiable either before God or Man, the old Government in force according
to Law, was by King, Lords, and Commons, and there was never yet any reason
alledged to vindicate the manner of the altering, and the high proceeding in order
thereto; and therefore till there be a foundation laid by an Agreement of the
people, its no State blasphemy to affirm that there can be no true form of Government
in the Nation. 2 No justice is executed upon members of Parl. that betrayed
their trust which have bin and is by the Royalists thus interpreted. That the
Parl. and Army executed the King and Lords, not out of Zealo[unr] Justice, but for
sinister ends. 3 No accounts is taken of the Treasury of the Kingdom how it hath
bin disburden, which makes many of the Enemies report That Mul[unr] Mulum
scabit that the Parl. Army & Country Committee connive at each other, while
they share the Riches of the Nation among them.4 shoug[unr], Queen, Princes
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