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The kingdomes faithfull and impartiall, Number 19, 1st-8th June 1649 E.530[33]

Some these are also which labour to do justice, walk unsightly and peaceably,
practicing vertue and piety, and this is true wisdom and charity; And happy
are they that have to deal with such. There are not any [unr] suggestions so undermining,
no malice, or contentions, all things are construed in the best sense,
every one enjoys the fruits of his labour in quiet; Love and Unity is there, and
he that is Love, it self dwels amongst them; But now to intelligence.
Sir Thomas Soam, and Alderman Chambers (according to order) this day attended
the House, and were called to the Bar; and being demanded the Reasons
why they attended not at the proclaiming of the Act against Kingship, according
to the Order of Parl. They both made some excuses, but altogether unsatisfactory:
whereupon it was ordered That Sir Thos Soam should be disabled
from sitting as a member of the House, during this session. And it was further
ordered, that the said Sir Thomas Soam, and Alderman Chatabers shall both be
disfranchised from being Aldermen of the City of London, and uncapable of
bearing any publique Office in the Common wealth.
The Honse took into consideration the filling of Courts of Justice with learned
Judges, and voted Mr. Sergeant Nicholas and Mr. Ask, to be two of the Judges
of the Upper Bench. Resolved, &c. That Mr. Sergeant Puleston, and Mr. Warberton
Esq; shall be Judges of the Common pleas. Resolved &c. That Maer.
Sergeant Thorp, and Col. Rigby shall be Barons of the Exchequer. It was also
ordered, that the Commissioners of the Great Seal of England should be required
to passe a Pattent for making the said persons Judges and Barons accordingly.
Ordered that the Committee of the Revenue are not restrained from payment
of the Judges Sallary. An Act setting form the grounds and reasons for solemnizing
a day of Thanksgiving on Thursday next, read and approved of.
For the vindication of Henry Whalley Esq, Judge Advocate of the Army whose
Imprimatur was to this sheet the last week, I am commanded to publish in this,
that where is there was inserted in this sheet some Reasons of Mr. Mabbot to
be discharged of Licensing of Books, the said Reasons were put in by the Compositor,
without the knowledge of the Licenser of Author, to the great prejudice
and injury of the Judge Advocate, who doth utterly renounce and protest
against the giving of his Imprimatur to those Reasons.
The Commissioners at Goldsmiths Hall sitting in the afternoon, this order
was transmitted to them; whereupon they made this ensuing Order:
ORdered by the commissioners for Compositions, &c. That the aforesaid Order of
Parl: for detaining of the Rents and profite of Sequestred Estates be forthwith
printed and sent into the severall counties of England and Wales; and all committees
and sequest ators and other Officers whatsoever, are hereby required to take special
notice hereof, and to yeeld all due obedience thereunto, as they and every of them will
answer the contrary as their perill.
Saturday June 2.
THe Act requiring the Commissioners of the great Seal to issue forth Writs
for making Mr. Waroerton and Col. Rigby, Sergean [unr] Law was read and
assented to, An Act was brought in for sale of Gods belonging to the late King
Queen, and Prince, for the use of the Common wealth which was assented
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