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The kingdomes faithfull and impartiall, Number 19, 1st-8th June 1649 E.530[33]

be found necessary, giving such assistance thereunto, both here and in Ireland,
when called as shall give sufficient proof of this Declaration of the duty and obedience
My Lord, Your Excellencies faithfull Souldiers. Thomas Horton, Coloums
which all the other Officers and Souldiers do subscribe.
Munday June 24.
THe House (upon satisfaction given concerning their absence) admitted to
take heir places again in the House, Col. Russel Mr. Thomas Hodges, Mr. Et.
lis. and Mr. Brawpton Gourdon, Report was made to the House (by a committee)
touching some amendments to be made in the Act, for reiteving of all persons
molested, prieved, or vexed, contrary to Articles; the debate whereof took up
much time in the House and at length they proceeded to these Resolves following
viz. That some more of their Members should be added to that Committee,
That nine of this Committee be of the Quoram, That the Act be recommitted,
And that the parties complaining shall have the benefit of their Articles, so far,
as in justice they [unr], where they have not had it already, and have not forfeited
their right thereunto without charging any s[unr]or damages on the Common
wealth, or any person or persons, against whom the complaint is made.
And it was likewise ordered that this Act be reported again the next day.
A Petition was this day presented to the House in behalf of many thousand
poor prisoners for debt and of Creditors to be relieved out of Debrers Estates,
The Petitioners were told that the House had debated an Act to this purpose, of
which there will be more in due time; but this is a businesse of very great weight
and requires in a are deliberation for prevention of inconvencies, which other
wise may arise hereafter. A copy of which petition, I shall here insert verbatim.
To the Right honourable the commons of England in parliament assembled.
The humble petition of many thousand poor prisoners for debt, in the severall prisons
of England and Wales; and of creditors to be relieved out of Debtor estates.
THat your Petitioners have made many addresses to this Honorable House,
in which the sad condition your Petitioners continue in hath been at large
declared. What can we say? Our blood is divly poured out we perish. And this
addeth to the misery, we in the deliverance depended upon are delayed against
justice, mercy and freedom promised; expected by the Commonwealth printed
and published denyed by no good Member of this honourable house, unlesse
by assed by particular interests.
May is therefore please this honorable house, to consider again the pressing necessities
of your Petitioners, and to call for the act reported by Col Rigby
for enlargement of poor prisoners nor debt, and relief of creditors our
o[unr] Debtors estates, twice read, and committed; and so to with to passe the
same, the st[unr] cting whereof shall much honor the proceedings of thus honorable
House and give your Petitioners occasion to pray, &c.
By Letters from Lancashire advertized as followeth. Col. Penables Regiment
lyes quartered in this County, it is now I beleeve compleat very able,
and I hope very faith full men, they are very orderly but being upon free quarter
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