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The kingdomes faithfull and impartiall, Number 19, 1st-8th June 1649 E.530[33]

A Letter was read in the House from Sir Gearge Askur, Wherein he certifies
that he had furnished the City of Dublin with provisions, and that he had taken
course to send other provisions form thence to London Derry, and doubts not,
but to give a good account of their present transactions very suddenly for the
Lord Inchiquin declines consederacy with the Rebels, and hath seized on foure
strong Garisons which were in the possession of Generall Oneal.
The Regiments of foot which are designed for Ireland, speak unanimously
as Souldiers, every one is htted for that undertaking, and its said, that within
dayes, the result of the Irish transaction, will be exceedingly propagated
The businesses concerning the Lord Forbis, Master Ducke, and Mr. [unr]oningham
received metured debate in which cause these Votes post viz. rosovea, &c. That
Cap. Ducke, and Mr.[unr] are referred to the Committee of the Navy are
consider and examine how the State is atisfied with the 7000,l. which they [unr]wo
are to have by the benefit of subscription for the additional forces by Sea, for reducing
Ireland & report the same to the House, Resolvea &c. That so much of the
7000.l. as shall appear to be unpaid or not performed by actuall service by Cap.
Dicke, and Cap. Conningham, shal be made good and satisfied out of th[unr] monies
due to Cap. Dicke and Cap. Conningham, [unr] the Committee of the Navy, so
far as it will go, and that the Committee being man Act for that businesse.
There hath been lately a further discovery made of the Leveliers Design, and
a Narrative thereof presented to the Members of the House, wherein is set forth
to undeceive the Nation, the real Plots [unr] Lieu. Col. J. Lilburn, Mr.
Walwin, Mr. Prince Mr. Overton, and that party, & their severall seditions ways
& wiles a long time practi[unr] day them, o accomplish & effect the same [unr]
the colour & pretence of Liberty, & to take off the burdens & grievances of the
people; under pretence whereof, a most dangerous & destructive design is carried
on to deprive the Nation of their Religion, Rights, Liberties, Proprieties, Laws,
Government, &c. and to bring a total and universall ruine upon the Land.
The Commons took into further consideration the Act for the sale of the late
Kings lands and goods for satisfaction of publique debts; in which they made a
good progress, and referred the further debate till another day. The Act concerning
Marriage, ordered to be ingrossed. Capt. Lydcot is returned from Sea brings
intelligence of the taking & firing 8 of the Princes ships before Kingsale, with
above 150 pieces of Ordnance, and store of ammunition; but at his comming
away the town of Kingsale was not taken.
Paris 1 June, 1649. The Prince of Wales is expected here, the Lord Jermins
is gone to Bruxels to meet him: a present is preparing for him, which will be
what many friends will give, its thought some great [unr] will contribute largely:
the great compliance between the King and this Parliament is a trouble to
the people yet they are afraid to shew any dislike, left when the Summer businesse
is over, the Royall Army return to block them up, which they tear: Here
is come an eminent Bishop who hath been in Ireland, in the name of his Holinesse,
to court the catholikes of Ireland into in obedience as of old; its here
confidently said the declared King of Scotland, and the Commissioners from Edenburg
are agreed, and resolves for Scotland, but no time prefixed.
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