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The kingdomes faithfull and impartiall, Number 26, 20th-27th July 1649 E.531[35]

Excellency the Lord Gen. and his Councel of War how free Quarter, may be totally taken
off, and the people cased of that burden, and likewise to consider of the obstructions
therein, and how the former Act for this purpose may be duly put in execution.
2. That the said Committee of the Army should report their transactions and proceedings
with the Lord Gen. and his Councell herein, to the Councell of State who are
to give further order herein, as they shall think fit, for the more effectuall prosecution
of this so good, so Just, and so necessary a Work.
3. That the Committee of the Army, should also treat with the Lord Gen. to consider
how Field Officers may be ready in every respective County, where any part of the
Army quarter, to the end, that the just complaints of the country people against the Souldiery
may be redressed the without putting them to that intollerable charge and trouble
of comming up to make their addresses at London.
An Act declaring what shall be hereafter adjudged Treason, read and assented to. In
which it is Enacted, That if any person shall maliciously and advisedly publish, by writing,
Printing, or openly declaring, that the present Government is Tyrannicall, Usurped,
or Unlawfull; or that the commons in Parliament assembled are not the Supreme Authority
of this Nation; or shall plot contrive or endeavor to stir up, or raise forces against
the said Government, or for the subversion or Alteration of the same, and shal declare the
same by an open deed, that then every such Offence shall be taken, deemed and adjudged
by authority of this present Parliament, to be High Treason. That if any person not being
an Officer, Soldier, or Member of the Army, shall plot, contrive or endeavour to stir
up any Mutiny in the said Army, or withdraw any Souldiers or Officer from their obedience
to their Superiour Officers, or from the present Government as aforesaid; or shal
procure invite, ayd or assist any Forraigners or Strangers to invade England or Ireland or
shall adhere to any forces raised by the Enemies of the Parliament or Common-wealth,
or Keepers of the Liberty of England, or if any person shall counterfeit the great Seal of
England, for the time being set and appointed by authority of Parliament, That then every
such offence and offences shall be taken, deemed and declared by authority of this
Parliament to be High Treason. That if any person shall counterfeit the money of this
Commonwealth, or shall bring any false money into this Land, counterfeit or other, like
to the Money of this Common-wealth, knowing the mony to be false, to Merchandize,
or make payment, in deceit of the People of this Nation, or if any person shall
falsly forge and counterfeit any such kind of coyn of Gold or Silver, as is not the proper
Coyn of this Common-wealth, or shall bring from the parts beyond the Seas into this
Common-wealth, or into any the Dominions of the same, any such false and counterfeit
Coyn of money, knowing the same mony to be false and counterfeit, to the intent, to utter
or make payment with the same within this Common-wealth by Merchandize or
otherwise; or it any person shall impair, diminish falsifie, clip, wash, round or file, scale
or lighten, for wicked Lucre or Gaines sake, any the proper Moneys or Coynes of this
Common-wealth or of the Moneys or coyns of any other Realm, allowed and suffered
to be currant within this Common-wealth, or the Dominions thereof, that then all and
every such offences abovementioned: shall be and are hereby deemed and adjudged high
Treason, and the Offenders therein, their counsellours, procurers, ayders and Abettors,
being convicted according to the Lawes of this Nation of any of the said offences, shall
be deemed and adjudged Traytors against this Common-wealth, and shall suffer and
have such paines of death and forfeitures as in case of high Treason is used and ordained.
Hon. Scobel, Cler. Parliamenti.
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