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The kingdomes faithfull and impartiall, Number 30, 17th-24th August 1649 E.532[25]

the service; it was therefore ordered that an Act should be brought: in for making such
Debeaters void. There also past some instructions for the Commit. that go with the Army,
and particular directions for sending up a List of the Names of such persons as have
lose the service as aforesaid. And for the better setling of the Tram and such Officers as belong
thereunto, the House past this ensuing Act.
WHereas there are divers Officers lately entertained for the service of Ireland, who
have done faithfull service in the English Armies, and by reason of their sudden
march could not attend the stating of their Accompts! for other services, besides the new
Model of the Army, under the Lord Fairfax: To the end all due encouragement may be
given to those who have done such faithfull service in the English Armies, and now after
engaged in the service of Ireland, Be it Enacted by this present Parliament, and his
hereby Enacted by the Authority of the same, That Thomas Herbert and Vincent Potter
Esq. Commissioners of the Army, shal [unr]mune and state the accompts of such generall
Officers, Staff-Officers, and those Officers and Artificers belonging to the Tram, who
have not their Accompts already stated for other services in the English Army, besides
the new Model, according to the severall allowances by the Establishments in the time
of their said services, deducting for Free quarter; according to the act of [unr]
1647. who observing the Instructions prescribed by the act of the 28 of May last, for
the true and perfect ascertaining of the said Arrears, deductions being made, shall certifie
the same under their hands and seals unto the Committee setting at Worcester house, distinguishing
betwixt the present pay, and the pay respited upon the publique Faith; which
Committee upon receipt of the same looking thereunto that deductions be duly made;
and that there be no unistake in the casting up of the same, are hereby authorized and
required to give forth Debenters for what so appeareth due, distinguishing as aforesaid
which shall be taken upon the security given by Parliament, and so exprest, according to
the form of Debenters now given by the said Committee for such services: And the said
Tho: Herbert and Vincent Potter, shall also continue their imployment as Commissioners
in the army for Ireland therein observing the instructions formerly given unto dum
for the English army under the Lord Fairfax; and shall further observe [unr] other instructions
as the said Commissioners shall from time to tine [unr]eive from the Parliament or
from the Councell of State, constituted by authority of Parliament.
Hen: Se[unr]bel. Cler. Parliament[unr].
The House adjourned till Tuesday.
Saturday Aug. 18.
AN Express from Chester faith, That Lieu: Gen: [unr] marched out of Dublin, &
hath summon'd Drogheda and likely to have it for conditions may be allow'd the
more honorable, in regard of the conveniency of that place (if obtained) for landing part
of the Lord Lieu: forces. These letters speak the tallyed Enemy but 12000 at the most, &
them at a great distance from Dublin; yet some of the royal party in London report that
the Marq. of Ormond, Lord Inchsquin, and the L. Ards are swel'd into a body of 15000
horse and foot, & advanced within a mile of Dubling doing much annoyance, and falling
to their old trade of stopping the passes, which publique rumour of this kind [unr] not to be
believ'd, yet are not all condition reports to be contemn'd untill we have good assurance
they arise from vain & false imaginations; and it more availeth to provide according to
the rumour of dangers which may happen, then to make no reckoning thereof; which
caused the Lord Lieu: to hasten as much as might be to get his Army over into Ireland,
as you may perceive by this ensuing Letter.
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