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The kingdomes faithfull and impartiall, Number 32, 31st August-7th September 1649 E.532[31]

Munday September 3.
LEtters from Newcastle advertize as followeth, SIR, Lieutehant colonell Hobson
is returned hither, but in some indisposition of body at present. Our news out of
Scotland is, that the committee of Estates is fate at St. Johnstons, fearing some insurrection
of the Hilanders; they have information that Montrosse is like to prove a troublesome
and ill instrument to this Nation, by attempting the invasion thereof with 6000 old
Germans; which with a conjunction of the Hilanders and the disaffected party, may
prove of sad consequence unto them.
According to an order of the House authorizing the Councell of State to take care
for the securing of Sir John Winter, who was excepted in one of the Qualifications of
the Propositions, and his estate disposed of, the Councell accordingly gave Warrant for
the apprehending of him, and being since taken thereupon, is committed Prisoner to the
Tower. Four Members of the house, four of the Army, and four of those called Levellers,
have by consent, had several meetings, for procuring a right understanding and composing
all differences, if possible may be; what the result of all will be, time will soon
Dublin 29 August, We are all here in a very good condition and cheerfull for although
many of our men since their landing have been ill of the Bloody flix, and other
discases yet are the greatest part of them well recovered again and having all kind of necessaries
fit for sustenance, we are drawing forth into the field a good part of cut horse,
our new Levyed foot being already on their march which the enemy having notice of
endeavour to prevent and cut off all provisions for comming to them, and to that end,
we understand that the Marq. of Ormond, hath caused all the provisions betwixt Tredagh;
Dundalk, Droghedah, and other towns 20 miles distant, to be brought to his
Camp. Ormond, Taff and the Lord Moor, are at Tredagh, and Drogheda, the L. Ards,
and the Lord Inchiquin, are joyned, and have (in their young Kings Name) proclaimed
the Lord Gov. Cromwell Traytor [forscoth] for invading the Kingdom in a hostile
manner; but his Lordship was proclaimed Lord Lieutenant in this City with great joy
and acclamation.
THis day the Act for discharging poor prisoners unable to satisfie their Creditors,
past the House, a copy whereof followeth:
Be it enacted by this present Parl and by authority thereof, that the Judg
or Judges of that Court from whence the Process [unr]aed upon which any
person is now imprisoned upon any Process or Crecution where the cause of
Action was originally for Debt, upon the request of such party, and taking his
or her Dath, which the said judge or judges have hereby power and authority
to administer:
THat bona side he or she is not worth in possession, reversion or remainder of any estate
reall or personall, to the value of 5.l. besides necessary wearing Apparel, and Bedding
for himself, wife and children, and Tools necessary for his Trade and Occupation,
not exceeding the value of 5.l. and hath not directly or indirectly conveyed or instructed
his or her estate, thereby to except any profit, benefit, or advantage.
That then the Judge or Judges aforesaid, shall and may by apparrant under
their hand and seal summon to appear before them, within 30 days after personall
notice given thereof to the Plaintiff of Plaintiffs, or left at his or their
dwelling house or houses, longing or last [unr]; And if thereupon the said Plaintiff
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