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The kingdomes faithfull and impartiall, Number 33, 7th-14th September 1649 E.533[2]

hath neither head nor [unr], which wisdom and money are compared unto, it's [unr]
these are good Weapons, but where's the Fercer and the Warrant.
The weekly Bill of Mortality for the City of London.
Buried within the 97 Parishes within the walls, of all Diseases, 80 plague 0
Buryed in the 16 parishes without the walls, and at the post house 117 plague 0
Buryed in the ten out parishes in Middlesex and Surrey 82 plague 1
The totall of all the Barials this week in the places aforesaid 279 plague 1
Increased in the Burials this week 2
The Assize of Bread set forth by Order of the Lord Major, and Court of Aldermen
A penny who at on loaf [unr] concain 6 ounces and a half, and three half peny white lea[unr]
the like weight.
Wednesday Sep. 12.
The Act prohibiting to brew for sale any Ale or Beer above 10.s the Barrell, besides
the Excize, past the House; whereby it is Enacted,
That no Brewer or other person that breweth to put sale, shall after the 1.
at Octob. 1649 them to sell, directly or indirectly, any Ber or Ale, or other Drink
wherein spault shall be used, any Barrel of Ber, Ale, or other Drink as aforesaid,
or greater or lesser quantity proportionably, above the rate at ten shillings
the Barrel ober and above the Crcize payable, accompting 36 Gallons to the
Barrell for Bler, and 32 for Ale, upon the pain and forfeiture for there Barrell
the sum of the pounds, and so propostionably for a greater or lesser quantity,
to be lebyed by difftesse and sale of the Dffenvers goods, being there of consided
by the Daths of two witnesses before any one justice of the peace.
Which Dath the said justice hath hereby power to administer, and to grant
Warrant for distress and sale of goods as aforesaid; And in default of sufficient
Distress, then the said justice shall send such person to the Goal, there to remain
for the space of [unr] Dorths without Bail or painprise: And it such
person shall offend the second time, and be thereof con[unr] as aforesaid, Then
such Justice of the Peace shall cause such Disender to be sent to the house of
correction, and there to get his or her libely[unr] by laber for the space of [unr] meneths,
without be or the shall pay down 10.l. for every Barrell, or other greater or lesser quantity so brewed and sold (over and above the price or rate of ten
shillings as aforesaid) The one mosty of which severall fines, the said Justice
shall give to the pay of the parish where the offence shall be committed, and
the other mosty to they party that shall make Discovery and prosecute the same
And be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That it shall and may be
Lawfull for the said Justice, to examine upon oath any [unr] deller of Retailer
of Ber, Ale of Drink as aforesaid, or other person what forebet (other then
the said Bremer himself) what price or prices, directly or indirectly have been
[unr] other indirect practice hath [unr] used with or by the said [unr], or at her
person to Delade this Act, and the good intended thereby, so the end the said [unr]
or other person may be brought to consign parliament as aforesaid and be
it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid, I hat it shall and may be lawfull
for any [unr] of Ale or Ber, to sell Ale and But at ten shillings a Barrell
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