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The Irish monthly mercury, Number 1, 21st December 1649 E.592[5]

for we finde, that though there wanted a medium to hand and convey
the Enemies fears from Treagh to Trim and Dundalk, yet by
a sympathetical working, those in the two last specified Garisons
abandoned them as soon as we had the first, and thereby gave us
no trouble in the taking them but that we took nothing in them.
The Army, after a short breathing at Duolin, marcht with some
Canon to Withford; a thing to those that know the ways as hard to
be believed as performed; and indured more to seek danger, then
others could to avoid it. Withford is the Dunkirk of Ireland, and a
place onely famous for being infamous : this also the Army took
by storm; but a few were spared, and but a few put to the sword;
for the Divine justice manifested it self to be what it is, in making
those who had ruined many by the Sea, to be ruined in it.
'T is a frequent rule with God, to evidence the sin in the punishment:
neer 2000 of these otters were drowned; which was generally
esteemed a misfortune, but onely because there were no
From washford the Army marcht to Ros Ponsis, so called (as I take
it) because it never had a Bridge. The place was soon yeelded;
and though the dispute was short, the foe made a shift to lose 500
men; and though they were all English, yet they did like the King
of France with fourty thousand men, march out of Town and then came back
agen. This was the dearest Siege his Excellencie yet undertook;
for it cost him ever since as much money as will pay half a thousand
of men.
Certainly that Axiom in Philosophy is true, that all things have
a natural appetite to rejoyn with that part of it self from which it
hath been violently divided : This was demonstrated by the
English surprisal of the City of Cork, and reintegrating themselves
into their Nation. Sir Robert Starling Knight, & c. was Governour
there, who little dream'd of losing his Command, and
yet found he had lost it, when he wak'd : One may truly say he
was taken napping : But I must acknowledge, to extenuate his
misfortune, that he was devested of his Government in the dark,
and consequently could not see to prevent it. Sure this Major
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