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Mercurius pragmaticus for King, Number 33, 11th-18th December 1649 E.585[3]

in Pœms and Sonnets to testifie their Merits and cleere the Eyes of the
Publique, for the future with a friendly caution to beware the like attempts,
lest their fates, Icarus like, become their falls, by soaring too
For there is no other question to bee made but the State Luminaries
are now a setting, they are taking their last turne; Fame of the Royall preparations
Pro[unr] these Rebells deforration, Lenthall the Chaireman
of their Synagogue is sensible of their approaching ruines, but yet
hath not leave to repent; hee, like Judas (if hee bee not hang'd) will
hang himselfe with very sorrow that hee cannot accomplish his Ends, and
establish his hypocriticall Noddle in a continuall Tabernacle of Treason,
which hee finds impossible; for when hee thought all Ireland had beene
their owne, a contrary winde hath blowne them other news, and now he
finds that they are come short of their conquest the full breadth of Cromwells-Nose,
and have little hopes to make Ireland (any long time) a receptacle
of such venemous Creatives as those State Janizaries under
Snout-almighty, who have had such Potions of that Countrey-ayre, that all
who are not purg'd away with the late Pills, administred by my Lord of
Ormond and Inchequeene, doe shit as small as mice and rats, and are almost
as cleere of their lives as they are of their Loyalties.
This doth so much torment this Sycophanticall-Rebell, to heare his arm
of flesh so much wasted (that Almighty Oliver is forc't to Nose-backward
and Retyre towards Bublin) hee could not by any meanes withhold
his Passions (some honourable people coming to him about businesse)
but broke out into this expession, viz. Well Ladies, your late
Victories obtained by Ormond in Ireland, hath made all you Royallists so
pranck, that you thinke our Army being now Streightned, will never
bee able againe to set you back; but doe you remember bow Coll.
Jones relieved himselfe with a small-number? And wee know God is
still where hee was, and will by a greater Deliverance, make his blessings
more obvious.
All this I grant goodman-Rebell, God is where hee ever was, and
will bee, but you are not where you ought to bee, or must bee, for the
Gallowes only is a fit place for Traytors, and such no doubt all Juncto-Byrds
are, having fethers all of a colour, therefore your flights will all bee
made together ete many Moneths passe; when wee see a King againe in
Israell then away with your Parliamentall-abbominations; In the meane
time I say you are brave Rogues indeede, for your care in fitting up,
White-ball for our King, but when hee possesseth it, it will not bee god a
mercy State, nor hardly god a mercy Scott; for though the Jockies have a
Hand in the Kings restauration, yet know this, they are not the principall
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