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The impartiall intelligencer, Number 1, 28th February-7th March 1649 E.546[9]

Be added to the Committee of complaints, and the especiall care of
this business: be referred to Mr.Whitaker.
Hen. Scobel Cler. Parliamenti.
To the Supreams Authority of England the Commons assemled is
The humble Petition of the wel-affected, and much oppressed Inhabitants
of the City and Liberty of Westminster.
THat in the 27. of Queen Ellzabeth, it was enacted, that the said
City and Liberties of Westminster, should be governed by is Burgesses,
to be chosen by the Deane of Westminster, or has Steward, or his
Deputy; and that a high Burgesses should be chosen out of the 12, and
this Statue was to continue in force, until the end of the next Sessions
of Parliament, and no longer; whereby the City is in effect, without any
Government in it self.
That under precence of the aforesaid Statute, (which we cannot find
was ever since confirmed) the city and Liberty of Westminster, are now
Governed by a Steward, an High Constable, a Bayliffe, 12 Burgesses,
12 Assistances, Church-wardens and Uestry men.
That ill-affected and corrupt persons, having possessed themselves of
all the aforesaid places of power, they have inverted all order of government,
and contrary to the just freedom of the people, the 12 Bayliffes,
and 12 Assistance chuse each other, and all other Officers, for the
Government of the City and Liberties thereof, and continue in their
places during their lives if they please.
That the aforesaid Officers that now are, or most of them, did abbet
to the treasonable engagement in July 1647. and the said Burgesses,
and Assistance, together with the High Constable, and other Constables
went about the City of Westmister, with an ordaining power, to
cause the people to subscribe the Petition for a Personall Treaty with the
King at London, threatning some that refused; and the Wel affected of
the City and Liberties, being by this means known unto the said Governours,
they have ever since made it their design, to abase, oppresse and
crush them; whereby the most faithfull friends to the Common weale,
and to this Honourable House, are in no capacity, either to serve you,
or their Country, upon any occasion that may occurr.
That the Governour of the said City, and Liberty of Westminster, together
with the Church-wardens and Vestry. men, have much embeziled
the publick stock and revenue of the said City; whereby the poore
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