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The impartiall intelligencer, Number 1, 28th February-7th March 1649 E.546[9]

An Act also passed for disabling Malignants, from being Magistates
in Norwich Dis Morcurii 28, Feruar. 1648.
ORdered by the Commons in Commons Assembled, That is be referred
to the Committee of the Navy, to take order, for she providing and
furnishing of the Ships, the St. Andrew, the Triump, and the St.George,
so be sent forth in the Service of the Sute, in the next Summers Flest.
Hen. Scobel. Clear, Parliamenti.
The House also ordered, to advance, (as followeth) for City Chaplaines
for the Navie 10. li.
Thursday come three weekes was ordered for a publike Fast, and a
Declaration to brought in, for Fasts to be seldomer and better observed,
Thursday March 1.
MR.Collan Minister behind the Exchange in London, was brought
before the Councell of State, for sedition in his prayer and Sermen,
Preached before the Lord Mayor, on the Lords day before; Abusing
the Parliament and Army; and sowing sedition against the present
Government of the Nation; Praying for King Charles the Second, the
lawfull King aud Governour, and the like. He was Ordered to be Committed.
By the Councell of State at Darby House.
ORdered by the Councell of State, That the Committees of the Army be
desired to certifie to this Councell, what is the Articles of the Army, and
what proceedings hath been about setling their Debenters.
Waker Frost Secretary to the Councell.
The Councell of State Ordered to send to the Committee of the Navie
to provide a new packe Beat, for Dublin, instead of that token. And
severall Orders passed in the said Councell this day, for setling of the
Kingdomes both by Land and Sea.
The Earle of Holland should have come before the high Court of Justice,
to have put in his answers; but upon his Ladies Petition, and
Certificates of his illnesse, and that by stopping his loosensse, to come
on Tuesday, he is structen with a Feavor, The Court gave him time
untill too morrow, and proclaimed their adjournment accordingly. About
the beginning of the next weake.
From Kilkenny in Ireland, where the Generall Councel of the Romiss
Catholiques fit, came a letter to Gol.Jones to Dublin, a Copy whereof
was sent in England as followeth.
AN absolute peace was proclaimed here at Kilkenny, on Wednesday
the 17. lostant, with great solemaity, as with Drums and Trumpets,
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