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The impartiall intelligencer, Number 1, 28th February-7th March 1649 E.546[9]

and the golden Cruci[nl]fix; and other Reliques, carryed before a great
Company of Fryers, Iesmits, and clergy, to the Cathederall Church,
where were said so many masses as usuall to such a solemnity, and as
was declared, that all that would not embrace, or should any wayes
oppose the said peace, they were proclaimed Traytors.
And another Proclamation also was proclaimed before, that whosoever
of the Clergy, that were of the Nuntios party, that did not within
10. dayes come in, and submit to the said peace, to be Traytors, and
that wheresoever they were found, they should be executed without
Ormond and Inchiquine are strongly united, and both gone to Cork,
on Munday last the 22. of this Instant, Owen Oneale his Agents are
there, And very latel'y one of them by name, the Lord of Ikery his Son
dyed: There are like to be discontents there.
Prince Charles his Secre any was there until the peace was proclaimed,
and then he was dispatched away with the Articles and Conditions,
being 6 or 8. sheetes of paper, now in printing, which shortly
your Honour shall receive.
Their whole intent is against your Honours and party, if you reject
the peace, and that they have bound themselves by Articles to have
within one month 15000. foote, and 15000 horse, to be setled out of
all their forces. Ormond Commands all as generall, and Inchiquine as
Lieutenant Gen. And Castle-Haven the horse, when they will be joyned
is uncertain.
What forces they have ready at present are sent to Caterlaugh, under
the Command of Preston, until further Order, and to anoy your Honours
Such Protestant as adhere unto them, are presently to possess their
former Estate, and all Churches and Church living within their quarters,
are soally appropriated to the Popish Clergy, not one for the exercise
of the Protestant Religion, and what will be gained in your Honours
Quarters, to be equally divided between both the ranks of Clergy,
of the one party, and of the other that comply with them.
Ormond himself is not alowed so much as one Church in Kilkenny,
to be publique for the Protestant, but if she will have prayers, or Sermon,
it must be privately within the Castle.
And Ormond hath a Life-Guard, which consisteth of 150. men, chosen
of those that revolted from your Honours Command by captain
wall, who was one of the chief of those that ran from your Honour to
the Rebels. For the Honourable, Col.Iones at Dublis.
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