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The moderate intelligencer, Number 198, 28th December 1649-4th January 1650 E.537[3]

who commanded th' other Moiety of the said Foot, had his leg burst in pieces.
Which being perceived by Lenoncour, and that his Foot (who now had none so command
them but Beissy) began to stagger, he got himselfe on the head of them to reassure
them, and reduce them unto some order. But there being, in the meane while, some
skirmishes on th' one side and th' other, he was shot into the head with a Pistoll, which
slew him out-right, (to the great Regres of such as know his worth) having formerly
lost some of his Horse, and amongst the rest the Sieur d' Alezy, a Captains; so that
by this disaster none remaining of command, and in charge, but the Sieur de la Roshe
(who had likewise been wounded by a Musket was in one of his thighes) he without
losing any courage by such a check, or rather in censed the more thereby, resolved to
peris[unr] with the rest, or fully revenge them upon their Enemies. And the Voluntiers
who were found near the body Lenencour, that made up 30 horse able, and in case to fight,
being joyned with la Roche, at his Request, without slaying fot the soot (whom he left
near to a strong he age) they poured themselves down tograther upon th' Enemies with
soch near and skill, that at the first they overturned the Squadrons of Poul[unr] and crime
upon these of Colpn[unr], and T[unr]anguin, who had their foot among them: So that those
Forces being totally broken, the Prisoners which th' Enemies had gotten became disingaged;
and they themselves were so ill handled is above 40 of them were slaine in the
place, and the said Sieur Millon taken prisoner with 8 Cavaliers, with have been
brought unto Thionsville, as also 20 of their Horse: The residue of them having been so
hotly chaced, and dispersed in the Chace, for above 2 leagues together, as hardly will 3
of them meet to rally againe. A Disgracefull foyle which hath exceedingly mortified th'
Enemies, and very much impaired their inbred Presumption.
Naples, Decemb 9.
The Duke of Mattabons having learn'd that 800 Spanish Souldiers were to saize his
person, retired to Poville, to whom its said are joyned the Count of Conversans, and his
adherents, who remain in field about that place, where Captain Tyeerello often makes
inroads, and brings under contribution all the inhabitants nor payment of his Souldiers,
who increase daily: Some vessels laden with com lately came here, which hath much
diminished the price, the want where of caused great necessity: Our Vice-Roy continues
his Fortification, especially those of Taurion, of the Carmos and the Castle, which he
hath furnished with all sorts of Ammunition, to prevent surprizals, causing to march by
day and night through the streets, both horse and foot, to keep in obedience the people,
ready upon least to take Arms, notwithstanding the continuall execution of those
that have been taken, among whom was one of out Burghers, with three others, who
were changed: being accused for seducing the people, Doctor Francesco Fensals hath also
beene apprehended for publishing a Treatise called, The Republique of Naples:
There are also imprisoned 20 youths, who are of the number of those called Lezaretty,
who were making parties against the Spaniards in our last Tumules. But our Burghers
having apprehended a good number of Spanish Souldiers, declared to the Vice Roy,
that if he put to death any of those derained, they would doe the like to all his, which necessitated
him to release them: The Neapolitan Lords who are cited to appear, but did
not, at the prefixed time, are declared Rebels, and their goods conficate: The Spanish
Officers began first with the Marquis of Achoja, and summoned in Don Alfonse Caraffa,
Indico de Palma, Don Ridelfe Stretch Baron of Abruzze, and others, engaging them to
appenre within ten dayes upon the same penalty. Sixty of the inhabitants of this City
who lately bore Arms against the Spaniards, being returned hither, have pardon upon
condition they serve his Catholique Majesty as long, for which end they are listed in the
Regiment of Don Emanuell Carraffa. The Town of Salern have deputed foure to goe
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