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The moderate intelligencer, Number 207, 1st-8th March 1649 E.546[13]

flame 1200, this fight was occassioned by the rastnesse of Duke Bernard of Waymer who
put on to fight upon 40 to one disadvantage of ground, in this battel was present one
the Emperours side, the Cardinal Infant, who was passing with some Spaniards into
Flanders to his Government, which had the Protestants not bin so rash he had not got unto
as was probable, after this fight Banyer was Gen: for the Swedes and confederates in
the Empire, and Duke Bernard was supplyed out of France, about which time Cardinal
Richlieu, (and the bravest man that ever breathed,) appeared for distressed Germany,
against the house of Austria.
This slaughter caused lamentable distractions one the Rhine Necar and Maine the 7 of
October, the Rhine Grave slue 1500 Imperialistes, not long after he died, as also Gen: Tabattell:
the 12 Gen: Hatzfield, slew 1500 of the Heffish and Luneburgish neer Hersfield
1635 A conclusion of peace, was made at Prague, between the Emperour
and some of the Princes of Germany, as Saxonie, Brandenburg, Luneburg
and others; this was concluded the 10 of May: Whereupon the Elector of
of Saxonie, Brandenburg, Duke William of Weymer, and George of Luneburg
fell to enmity with the Swedes, whom they had call'd out of Swethland for
their deliverance; which caused Gen: Banyer to re-in force his Army to 24000
strong: the 7 of June, the Duke of Roan: a Protestant Prince of France, in
difference with Richlieu [unr]no writ the interest of Christendom: and the best
that hath been written, defeated 1400 men of the Imperial and Spanish in Lobeinger
valley, after that 3000 of the Spanish neer Mettz: on the river
Addua: the 20 of October, he defeated 2000, one the passage of Wormes: the
31 he overthrew 3000 Spaniards neer Morbegno: which caused great perplexity
at Mollain and Andorff: the 2 of November, Gen: Banyer defeated of the
Saxon forces, 2000 neer Domitts: the 17 of December, he defeated 700 neer
Kirits: the 18 Melandor then Gen: for the Hessish slue 1000 of the Catholike
Lig a neer Rhenen: where observe when the Luther ans made peace with
the Emperour, the Catholikes Confederate against the remaining party. the
19 Banyer defeated 200 of the Saxonians neer Sandau: the 21, he tooke the
City Hanelbeg by on-slate; observe how the Protestants and Swedes prospered
this year both against the Saxons, &c. who had made peace, and against
the Catholikes entered into a League.
1636 Banier tooke Barby by storme, where he took Col: Mislaff and
sent him into Finland the 10 of January: the 23 of February; Gen: Bondes
Liev: Gen: of the Saxon forces defeated 200 of Banyers forces: the 22 of
March Banyer defeated 300 Saxonians: the 3 of July, the Saxons tooke the
City Magdenburg, and the Swedes defeated 400 Saxons neer Wolveshoufen:
here upon followed the great battell fought, the 24 of September, neer Wristock
where the Swedes killed 7000 Imperialists and Saxons as a reward of
their rotten peace: the 3 of October, Duke Bernard of Weymer defeated in
Burgundy 1800 of Gen: Gallas his men: the 12 of October, Gen: Banyer recovered
the Werber Sconce, and then marched with 30000 men towards Erford
from thence at the end of the yeare he came before Leipsick.
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