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The moderate intelligencer, Number 207, 1st-8th March 1649 E.546[13]

1637 He pursued some Saxon Regiments unto Turgan which place he
blockt up, and after took it, wherein he had 52 Standards and Ensignes of the
Saxons, and all the forces left in field and after return'd to Leipsick, intending
to storme it the 6 of February; but having got intelligence, that the whole
Imperial Army was at hand to relieve the City, he left Leipsick and return'd
to Turgaw, where he was surrounded by 95000 Imperialists: the 24 of June,
(and in the interim) the We marian forces slue 1800 of the Loraine forces neer
Bizanson: the 18 of June, Banyor brake from Turgaw, being not above
11000, the rest were gon from him, 12000 Croats followed after him, who put
600 of his men to the sword, after which he put 1000 of them to the sword
neer Landsberg: the 26 of July, Field-marshall Wrangle joyn'd with him at
Nustat who together made 20000, there came also a new supply of 8000 out
of Sweden, these notwithstanding their number were forc't to, retired into the
Isle of Wellin in Pomerania, every on thinking the Swedes would have perisht
for want of ships to carry them to Sweden, but it proved other ways for the
Imperial Army, was so mightily weakned through famine frost, and mortality
in that ruined Countrey, that they were froc't to remove as much
short of their number, as Banyer went from Turgaw with.
1638 Duke Bernard of Weymer besieged Rhinofield which Gen: John
de Wert relieved, made some spoile among the Weymerish; in which action
Lieut: Gen: Rbinegrave was slain, Col: Erlach and Conofskey taken prisoner;
but Duke Bernard sudenly revenged that, killing 300 at Rotten house. The 21
of February, thee slue 1500; in which action was taken prisoner, Generall
John de Were, Major Gen. Sanelly, Major Gen. Enkeford, and Major Gen.
Speriter, Count of Furstenberg, four Colonels, 1800 foot, and 1200 troopers:
this was done neer Rhine field the fourth of March, the Brandenburg forces
took the City Gurts, and put 200 Swedes to the sword: at this time General;
Banyer received a supply of 14000 out of Sweden, 72 peeces of Ordnance,
24 Demy-Cannons, provision and ammunition answerable, by which he[nl]e
was able to take the field with 25000, and leave his Garrisons wel provided:
with this army he had 130 peeces of Ordnance, he marched through Stetin,
where he kept a day of Humiliation: and so with all speed to Gurts, to revenge
himself of the Brandenburgers, and the 15 of July he took it by storm,
putting 300 of them of Brandenburg to the sword: souldiers had need be
wary how they kil, for they are one day up and another down; he after dismantled
the City: after which the Imperialists and Swedes gazed for a long
time upon each other: the Emperour thought to root out the Swedes, but
Baryer would give no ground, but instead of flying, falls upon the turn-coat
Saxons, between Domits and Lenizen, where they killed 2400, the Imperialists
would have revenged it, but they lost 100 Curiasiers, after that 300 at
Perleberg, which put Gen. Gall as upon a breaking up, and to passe the Elvo
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