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The moderate intelligencer, Number 207, 1st-8th March 1649 E.546[13]

given, allowed or approved for the purpose by the parliament, and according to the
general Customs and Laws of the Sea; and by Warrant under their or any two of
their Hands and Seals, to grant the same power to any Officer of the said Fleet,
comanding in chief any Squadron or part of the Fleet divided from the rest, in absence
of them the said Commissioner: And that any one of the said Commissioners
bring appointed and impowered thereunto by the other two shall and may comand in
chief the said Fleet, or any part thereof, and exercise therein the powers aforesaid,
or any of them, upon such Coast or North-sea, and in such service, and for such time,
for which he shall be so impowered. And the said Councel of State are to give a Commission
unto the said Commissioners under the Seal of the said Councel according to
the tenour and effect premised, with such farther Instructions and Directions for the
prosecution of the service aforesaid, as to the said Councel shall from time to time seem
Hen: Scobell, Cleric. Parliamenti. Venice, Febr. 5.
Gen. Degenseld is come hither from Dalmatia, who bringeth news that our forces under
the command of Gen. Foscolo, besieged the Castle Antivarie in Albania, and by the way of
Ancona, it's said ours have taken the City Dulcigno.
Lyon, F b. 20,
The Citizens at Aix, with the helpe of the Parliaments Forces have besieged the Count
of Ales, in the Palace of Aix, and battered it so, that many of his Souldiers are slain, the rest
tooke Quarter: The Count of Ales and Duke Richlieu Commander over the Gallies, they
tooke prisoners a Royall force marching from Delphinat toward Aix, for recovery, 4000
Peasants got in Arms, and are before the said Aix to assist the King, the Citizens in Marsell
is are in Arms, and have in the Kings name possest themselves of the Gallies.
Stetin, January 26.
At Dantzick and in all Poland was solemnized the deceased kings Funeral of Vladislai the
fourth at Grackow, he was intomb'd the 15 of January, & the 17 was celebrated the Coronation,
of King John Casimire at the same place; declared by found of Trumpets, ringing of bels,
discharging of Guns, Fire-works, and like joyfull Shows. The 19, there begins a meeting
with the Cossacks for ratifying the Treaty.
Augspurg, Feb. 15.
The Lord deputies have sent an Imperiall Notatie and two witnesses to Saint Ulrichs,
Saint Anna, and the Capuchin Friers, demanding the Keyes, against which the Catholicks
protested and locked the Churches, and also they desired and demanded the restitution of
Saint Jacobs, the Hospitall, the School, Alms-houses, and other things belonging thereunto,
the two Chapels which the Catholikes broke down, they are to repair again, which is by
the Catholicks acknowledged to belong unto the Protestants. The Duke of Bavaria sent a
severe Letter to the Deputies to proceed by all means in the point of execution, and they
should not be hindered what opposition soever the Catholick party should make, in which
they went on very couragiously by the help of the Protestant Trained Bands.
Lyon, February 7.
The 20 of January the Royall party surprized the Parliaments Forces in the Church at
Aix, and brought above 1000 of them into this City, but the Citizens 15000 strong beat
them out again: those at Pente is have beaten out some Royall Troops, those at Orleans have
denyed contribution money to the King, and have taken up Arms, those at Granobles, Bordeaux
and Britaine, as also whole Normandy, Delphinat, and Provence are resolved to stick
unto the Parliament.
Hamborough, Feb. 3.
The Deputies of this City and of Bremen, had a conference with the City of Lubecks Deputies,
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