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The moderate intelligencer, Number 226, 12th-19th July 1649 E.565[14]

for sometime, in Spain, within his Catholick Majesties armies. But two of our old
Commanders have been put to death; whereunto likewise is condemn'd the Sieur Fakroni,
Secretary to the Duke of the Guise. The Camp-master Fra Paclo Vénali hath been
lately imprisoned in the Castle of Manfédonia. Our Admirall Galley is return'd into
this Port, with a Brigantine, that had (when they take her upon this Coast) 27 Turks
aboard her. We leavy here in all diligence, both Souldiers and Mariners for the manning
of our Galleys, which are to go and fight with six of Biserta, that do much mischief within
the Calabrian Seas.
From Reme, the 22th of June.
Here have been made for three days together, Bone-fires, and other publicke Demonstrations
of Joy, by the most of our Cardinalls, th' Embassadours of France, Venice,
and Maltha; the Princes, and Lords of this Court, for the notable victory obtein'd
by the Christians of the Turks; so much the more welcom to the Pope, in that it concerns
not onely the Common wealth of Venice, but likewise all Christendome, against which
that prodigious Fleet was design'd: It was, with one of the first set upon by the Captain
of a French Vessel call'd a Brulot, who so happily fought against their Admirall Galley,
that he burnt her with the Bassa Generall, and other Turkish Commanders within her;
facilitating by that Exploit the good success of the Generall Riva against the whole
Fleet. Th'Apostolick Chamber hath begun to pay the Duke of Parmaes Creditors with
the fruits of the Harvest reaped by th'Ecclesiasticall Forces within the Territories of
his Dutchie of Castro; the moneys made thereof being deposited in the Mount of
Piety with a purpose to satisfie them all as they were due, in their Order: the Pope refusing
to listen unto any Accord, unless that Duke give assurance for the time to come to
suppress his Mount Fatnese; especially untill he throw down the new fortifications, and
works made at Castro: within which Town he likewise requires that the Nephew of the
late murthered Bishop may succeed his Uncle in that Dignity; and also that he defray
all his Holynesses charges in that War; All which portending a great unlikely hood of
any Agreement, both Parties continue their Provisions for War: the Duke, besides the
Levies he makes to enter, by Lombardie, into the Dominions of Rologu[unr], or Ferrara,
causing a number of Boats to be prepared upon the River of P[unr], furnished with Ordanance
and Arms, and store of Ammunition and provisions the which hath inforced his
Holyness to send new Orders to his Logares in those Provinces, to sortifie with speed
all the Passages in their Governments towards Lombardy to hinder th: Irruptions of the
Duke of Parmaes Forces; whose Neighbourhood hath likewise made the Dukes of
Mantua and Modéne to take up arms for fear of a surprize. In the mean while the Count
of Vidman keeps Castro itself so closely blockt up, that nothing can enter into it without
a Convoy, nor safely with it; one of them (which conducted some Cartell) being lately
defeated as it came from the Castle of Cellere. Th'Ecclesiastiall Army, which is within
that Dutchie, is now composed of 4000 foot, and 1000 horse; & continually relieved, by
Souldiers levied here; from whence also are sent thitherwards three Companies of Foot
with two great battering Peeces, taken out of the Castle of S. Angelo for the Siege of
Castro. There be here strict and serious Informations taken against those that stole away
some ten days ago, the Sword of the Marble Statue of S. Paul; leaving, instead
therof, onely a distaff, with a ridiculous Pasquill upon it; which so much incensed his
Holyness, as he hath commanded the Governour of this Towne, to promise 3000
Crowns (with power to free two companions of the Banditi) unto such as shall discover
th'Author thereof within four days.
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