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The moderate intelligencer, Number 226, 12th-19th July 1649 E.565[14]

be more no rest, were there a full Cessation of Arms between them: So that many Souldiers
disband, especially of the Spanish Army; few days passing wherein there go not
this way above twenty of them, whom we do furnish with Passe-ports for their Return
From Noremberg; the 29th, of June.
This Week the Commissioner of the Princes and States of the Empire have held an
extraordinary Assembly about that which yet remains of a full. Execution of the Peace
of Germany, reduced all unto fourteen Points; the which (with the means by them devised
for a speedy Redresse of all disorders) being put into from; certain Commissioners
of the Protestant Princes and States, were nominated deliberate upon them, as
they did yesterday, for the fist time, within our Town-house. The same commissioner
have also sent their Answer to the Prince Palatine of Swethland, concerning the
Restitution of Frankendale; to this effect: viz. that there appearing, for the present
no gentle means to get it back again; and it being not be siegeable without most certain
Breach of the generall Peace, they be feech him to finde out some Qualification, or to
accept of other Towns in th' hereditary Countreys of th' Emperour (who upon those
terms will most willingly part with them) and to prevail with the Alleys of the Crown of
sweden, to condiscend unto it, that th' Execution of the said Peace may not be retarded
by occasion of this only Variance; and that th' Empire almost ruined by these Wars,
may be in some sort recovered: Not doubting, but that, in time not only Frankendale,
but also Hombourg, Landshutt: and Harmmersticin will be restored: upon all which they
attended the Resolution of that Generalissimo.
From Cullin, the fourth of July.
The six and twentieth of the last Moneth, the Duke of Wirtemberg, and Collonel
colh arrived at Francfort on the Main, with a thousand Horse, and five hundred Foot:
for the payment of whom he hath received money in this Town, whose Magistrate presented
him, according to the Custome. As yet they have not been able, to find out any
Expedient at Noremberg, concerning the Town of Frankendale: which certain Commissioners
propound again; to be left as now it is, and to delibetate upon all the rest
where upon is said, that the Emperour will call a generall Assembly, touching the Restitution
of that Place: in Lieu whereof, he offers, in the mean while, Constance in Suitzzerland,
Grosglogaw in Silesia, and Egger in Kohemia.
Franthford, the 22th, of June.
Duke of Vlrick of Wirttenberg Souldiers, having bought necessaries, and recruited in
the best manner; are marched toward the Kam, so to Andernach, and Borne, there to
passe the Rhyne: they are all brave well experienced Souldiers, paid very honestly for
what they called, not wronging the people in the least, reserving their venome, untill
they come upon French Ground.
Cassels, the 19th of June.
Two days ago, Our Princesse, with her Son Landgrave William, arrived here, who
with a great Train, went to Berlin, to celebrate the Nuptials with the Electour of Brandanburg,
his Sister: the Prince Electour Palatine is stately entertained many Fire?
Works, and ststely Shews, are made in his honour, he is preparing for Franckford?
the Embassadour that came from Prince Ragotzi, is to be dispathe suddainly, he
goes by the way of Nurnberg.
Hamberough, the 16th of June.
The Danger of the Parliament of England Ships groweth daily, it is certified
from Riga in Liess-land, that the Museovian Embassadour is arrived at Rigt, and is to go
with the next for Stockholmes it is about renewing[unr] a Peace formerly made between
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