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The moderate intelligencer, Number 226, 12th-19th July 1649 E.565[14]

the Crown of Sweden, and Muscovia, which done, they intend against Prince
and to joya their Forces with the Cossacks, which they had done before now had they
had the assurance of the Swedish friendship.
Leipsich, the 22th of June.
Magnits de La Guarde, having kept a great and stately Feast in Rosenthall, [unr]
this day toward Nurnberg, hebringeth further instruction to the Swedish Genarallsst.
me, in case the Imperiall Party use any longer delays in the Execution of he Peace;
he is to be round with them, they are resolved not to dally in the businesse; for Genwittenberg
causeth the Castle Resebin, and the little Town at Prague, to be more and more
fortified: the Spanish at Frankendale, are doing the like and make all the havock they
can thereabout: so that the people cannot enjoy their own.
Nurnberg, June 26.
The sererall Embassadours held the last week two Sessions every day, their proceedings
they keep secret, till it come to a resolve: the Catholicks and Protestants have brought
to paper their grievances, demanding remedies for them: the Swedish have made answer
upon the Emperours project, and insist upon Frankendale, and the three places,
which Lorrain keeps contrary to the conclusion of peace, saying, they quit themselves
of all such bloud and desolation, which upon necessity must befall the Empire again, in
case the Catholick party should not perform, and that they with their Confederates
would consult, how to quit the breach of not performing the Instrumentum Pacis; its
hoped, they will study an agreement, conferences are daily by the Embassadours, who
are very earnest to bring things to a period. Generall Rosa is here, the Swedish Generalissimo
hath visited Pictolowini, who feasted the Generalissimo, not far from this City; after
they departed good friends. The 28 June in the afternoon count Magnus de la G[unr]in
arrived here with a great train.
Vien[unr]a, June 30.
Two days ago is arrived a Turkish Aga, with five persons: his message not known yet
Yesterday the Venetian Embassadour made a stately Feast for the victory obtein'd agent
the Great Turkat Sea. Eight Hungarian Guns were taken out of this Magazine, which
together with a foot company; were carried toward Gomorrha, to oppose the Turks who
have done great spoil by water and land, they make daily excursion, and carry away a
multitude of Christians captivity, of great and small beasts few are lest.
Before you have the actions of Parliament upon the severrll dayes; take one particular
omitted in the last, which concorns Ministers: the reason of the
House was.
1 That if any Minister shall directly or indirectly preach, or publikely pray against
the power, authority or proceedings of this present Parliament, or against the present
government established by authority thereof.
2 Or shall directly or indirectly, in preaching or praying, make mention of Charles
Stuart, or James Stuart, sons to the late King, who by judgement of Parl. are declared
enemies, and stand accepted from pardon, otherwise then as the Enemies to this
Commonwealth, or shall under the name of the Royall Issue or otherwise, promote
any title or interest taken away or declared against by authority of this Parl. to the prejudice
of this present Government.
3 Or shall not keepe and observe dayes of publique Humiliation or Thanks giving,
appointed or to be appointed by authority of Parl. or shall not publish the Act, Or
[unr] or Declarations of Parl. being enjoyned and directed thereunto by authority of the
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