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The moderate intelligencer, Number 226, 12th-19th July 1649 E.565[14]

fame, having due notice there of, without reasonable cause to the contrary shew'd, shal be
deem'd, taken and adjudged Delinquent, & within the respective Orders, Ordinance
and Acts touching Sequestration, as to their Ecclestrastical Benefites and stipends.
And that in all such cases, the Committee of Parl. for plundred Ministers, and all other
Committees or Commissioners for the Sequestration in the respective Counties and places
throughout this Commonwealth, shall have power, and are hereby authorized & enjoyned
to take cognizance thereof, and effectually to proceed thereupon accordingly.
July 12.
The Parl. tooke again into consideration that great Act for securing the arrears of the
Souldiers our of the lands of the late King, Prince, and Queen, which is not the Feefarm
rents, that being still reserved, but other Lands, which Lands are to be had at 13
years purchase, and so the Souldiers may double their money comming upon accompt
with what they have got, and have good possessions at rates lower them Lands are usually
sold for. Forty Members who have satisfied the Committee, are to be reported
to the house, and if their answers satisfie they will be admitted.
The 13.
the Parl. proceeded in perfecting the Ordinance for sale of Land, viz. Parks and
Chases, Forrests being in Fee farme for the generality, and thought willing to grant the
Land, Yet they desire to preserve the Timber, which the Souldier chiesely aims at, as
in other purchases to get money quickly into purse, but the State think it good to
have Timber preserved for shipping and other uses in the Nation: there will be many
brave purchases, Theobalds house and Park, Enfield Park and these, neer 30 miles
about to be sold, the Act was recommitted.
A petition was presented to the Parl. from the Lord Major, Aldermen, and Common-councel,
that they please to give way to Col. Wilson his serving as Sheriffe of London
being elected thereunto, the House after much debate voted that it should he left to
the said col. to doe as he pleased therein, only in case he would serve, it would by
them be looked upon as an acceptable service to the City, as for Mr. Lemans being Alderman,
the other part of their Petition, the House say he is now absent, and they
will consider of it: he hath been twice or thrice High Sheriffe in the Countrey, divers
years since. Some Members had leave to go circuit.
The particular Garrisons continued in England and Wales, with Governours names.
Carisbrook castle, Major Rolph: Cows castle, and Gurnards Fort. Cap. Busket.
Sandham castel, with Brinhidge and Nettlesheigh, Forts, Capt. Bourman. Yarmouth,
and Carges Sconce, Capt. Peechill. The Mount and Dennis Fort, Col. Robert
Bennet. Pendennis castle, and St. Mawes, Sir Hardress Waller. Plymouth Fort
and Island, Major Upton. Salcombe Fort, Dartmouth castle, and Fort, Leiut. Wilkinson.
Exeter castle, Major Thomas Sanders. Weymouth Melcomb, and Palland, Col.
James Hoane. Poole and Brownsed castle. Leiut. Col. John Rhode. Hurst castle, Col.
Thomas Eyre. Calshot castle, Capt. Bertsworth, Southampton, Major Peter Musford,
Portsmouth, Col. Disborow. South-sea castle, capt. George Joyce. Arundell castle,
Cap. Morley. Rye, Major The. Gibbons. Sandgate castle, Capt. Hippesley. Dover castle,
Col. Sydney. Meaus Bulwark. Archchiffe Fort, Warmore castle, & Deal castle, Col. Natha
Rith. Sandown castle, col. Hitebeat. Upnor castle, Major Brown. Tilbury Fort, Col.
James Temple. Massey Island, Capt. Burvell. Harwich, capt. Arthur Young. Langer point.
Cap. Thollreton. Yarmouth, Col. John Barckstead. Lynne, col. Valentine Wawton. Boston,
Col. Edmund Syler. Hull, Col. Robert Overton. Scarborough, Col. Hugh Bethell. Newcastle,
Col. Sir Arthur Harsterig. Tinmouth castle, Holy Island, and Barwick, col.
George Fenwick. Carlisle, Col. Thomas Fitch. Leverpool, Col. Birch. Chester. Col. Robert
Duckenfield; Holt castle, Major Sadler. Denhigh castle, col. George [unr] Wistlcton. Albert
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