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The moderate intelligencer, Number 226, 12th-19th July 1649 E.565[14]

berconway, call, Johns Carter. Hawerdown castle, col. Aldersa[unr] Bewmeris and [unr]
head, Major Gent Thomas Mitton. Carmarthen, col. Thomas Mason. Red-castle [unr]
Hugh Price. Carmarthen, capt. Barber. Tenby, Swansey, and Cardiff, col. [unr]
Jones. Cnepstow, capt. Nicholas. Glotester, col. Sir Wil. Constable. Bristoll castle and
Forc, capt. Beal. Danster castle, col. Robinson Cliffords. Alderman Duckeasan. Not
ringh uncastle. capt. Mo[unr]ns. Stafford, col. John Stone. Shrewsbury, col. Humpb[unr]
Mackwalt. Ludlow castle, capt. Betteroll. Hereford, Leiut. col. wroth Rogars coventry,
capt. Beal. and capt. Broroael. Warwick castle, Major Hauk sworth. Oxford,
Leiut. col. Kessey. Wallingford castle, Major Artbur Evelin. Winsor castle, col. co[unr]
The 14th. of July.
The Parliament proceeded further in the Act for securing the Souldiers Arrears,
the provisoes being very many, tooke up very much time this day, and in regard
a period could not be put, they order to begin with it Munday morning. In regard
moneys are not come in upon Deans and Chapters Lands, by the prefixe time,
longer time was given: viz. those in and about London, untill the first of August, and
those more remote then 20 miles, untill the 20th. of August: and if they come in before
that time, they shall have 8 percent. for their money, and also for their bils.
The 16th. of July.
Report was made of the Ordinance for securing Souldiers Arrears: the Lord of Northamptons
businesse referred back to Goldsmiths Hall, and he to compound according to for me
rules: 3000 pounds given to Master Brown, in consideration of his losse of his clerks pl[unr]
in the House of Lords; a Petition delivered by some Gentlemen of Southwales, destring
that they may (if the House think fit) have col. Martin Governour in the place
of col. Horton, now going for Ireland, it was referred to the consideration of the
Generall: the Governour of southwales had need be resident, sure Col. Martin can
not be spared the House sitting, an Act read, constituting the President of the councell
of State in that place, and Chancelour of the Dutchy of Lancaster; and Mr. Hall
Atturney Generall of the same. The Act past for Sale of Royall Lands: the disorder
of the reduced Souldiers in Yorkshire, and the abuse of the Committee was this day
cerrefied to the House, and the danger of it, if not timely lookt unt[unr], it is refereed to
the Councel of State: 3000 pound order'd to one whose place is reduced.
Berwick, July 11.
None should love and agree like neighbours, yet where more difference which
arises from covetousness, envie at others prosperity, or better scituation; somtimes revenge:
To colour this, Religions uniformity, and reliefe of friends is the winde, which
got into the Bellow, and blown in the Pulpits, so fires the auditory that they are not as
quiet untill all is in flame about them. This ran so particularly from Edenburg after
Paul Habson, that had he not made haste to Newcastle he had undoubtedly sustered as
the first Independent Martyr or Sectary. The generall Assembly is set down (whereof
Mr. Robert Douglas is Moderator and preacht the first day) and in regard a mixt company
they have a mixt employment: Five Committees are made, one is to consider of
dangers which is like to take up much time, such a terrour is the Army in England
to them, when they thinke upon its Comming North, as they did the last week, not
will the generality believe the Lieutenant of Ireland will goe over, at least not stay. The
second is overtures, where will in the first place be taken into consideration that of
their declared Kings, which hath been reported to the Parliament and Assembly from
those intrusted in that service, with approbation, and consideration had thereof, but no
Vote past and published yet, in regard a Committee of Parliament and Assembly are
to joyne to consider of publishing the same, it's probable it's approved, though possible
not satisfactory, what overtures will be made to others time will shew, it's like
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