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The moderate intelligencer, Number 232, 23rd-30th August 1649 E.572[10]

and for a time, it may be lawfull to forbid that which is undoubtedly lawfull, and so adjudged,
it seems good that you abstain, all things are lawfull, not expedient. But to the
actions of Parl.
August 23.
The Corporation of Cartisle' petitioned the House that the Order of the Committee of
the Revenue directed to that place for the leavying of Farme Rents due thence from the
yeare 1643, to the yeare 1648, might be respited, they being not in a capacity (it being
a Garrison faithfull to the English interest) to make payment, they ordered, hereupon,
that the said Rents should be fully and clearly remitted,
The Kingdom of France to please their people, have lately made some Acts, which
prohibit any commodity of manufacture to be there imported, upon which, the English
Merchants which trade thither with cloath, &c. acquainted the Councell of State therewith,
averring it to be a breach of the league of the two Nations, the Articles and the
matter of fact being compared, of which the Councell of State made a report to the
House, whereupon it was resolved, that this House doth declare, that no Wines, Wooll,
or Silks, of the growth of France, and usually vented in this Nation, shall be from
henceforth imported into any part hereof, or vented herein by any person or persons.
The House debated whither Linnen cloth should be added, and it was resolved in
the negative.
It was further ordered, that the Ships importing the same (if any such) should be
forfeited, and 100 li. to the discover, and another 100 li. to the State.
The French did this to please their discontented people, who may (their wines, &c.
not being transported thence hither) the places discontented being considered, be inraged
the more.
The 24.
The House ordered Major Powell deceased, 20 li. for defraying Funerall expences.
Letters were read of the 14 and 15 instant from Sir Charles Coot, acquainting them
with a peace concluded between his brother and Generall Oneal, and that the reasons
thereof was the preservance of London Derry, and the interest of England in those
The House after debate ordered that a copy of the Declaration upon Major Gen.
Monks joyning with Generall Roe Oneal, should be forth with sent to Sir Charles Coot, they
voted approbation of the fidelity and vigilencie of Sir Charles Coot in preserving of London
Derry, and of the English interest in those parts.
They likewise ordered that the Councell of State should provide for Sir Charles Coot
his necessities for the future. And for full satisfaction to all, a Vote thus past.
That this House doth declare, that all such English and Scots, and all others that have
engaged for the Parl. of England in Ireland, and have revolted from that service, and
likewise all such as have or shall adhere unto or joyn with Charles Stuart (eldest sonne
of the late King) in that manner are Traitors to the Commonwealth of England.
It was ordered that the Earl of Derby be made incapable of composition.
The House adjourn'd till Tuesday.
From Dantzick, the 27th. of July.
The King of Polonia getting intelligence that the Cossaques were neer unto his Army,
with a purpose to invest it; hath again summon'd all the inhabitants of Russia fit to bear
Arms, and the next neighbouring Governours to be, the eleventh of the next Moneth,
neer the Town of Lublin, there to joyne with the Lo. Firley, Field-Marshall of the
Rolonian Forces; to whom he hath also sent 4000 Germans, with a promise to be himself
soon after at Lentzko (which is but 14 Leagus from his Army) with other Forces considerable
enough, not only to make the Cossaques desist from the Ravages used by them,
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