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The moderate intelligencer, Number 232, 23rd-30th August 1649 E.572[10]

attempt it by main Force with an Army of 30000 men. And yet tis thought their aime is
chiefly at the Towne of Sebenico in Dalmatia,still very much troubled with the Plague,
having already sent that way sixteen Peeces of Ordnance, and great store of warlike
Ammunition. By a ship, arrived here,thenine and twentieth of the last Moneth, from
Ragusa; we had notice, that an Aga, or Messenger from the Grand Seigneur, was come
thither to demand of the Ragusians their Harbor, and the Town of Sancta Crua for a Magazine,
with a notable Sum of Money towards the Charge of the War, which State
of Turkie resolves to continue against our Common-wealth: which hath lately received
intelligence from the Levant, that the Generall Riva, being desirous to prosecute his victory
against the Turkish Fleet, had purposed to set upon it again within the Haven of
Scio, where it is at this time sheltered, but that our High Admirall Moccenigo, and our
other Chief Officers had over voted him therein, and got him to go towards Standia
in the Isle of Candie, and joyn with the new Ships of Warre lately sent thether by this
Senate, and thereupon fight th' Enemy with much the more advantage.
From Milan the same day.
The Queen of Spain, having visited this week,the Jesuits Church of S. Fidelle, in honour
of the Feast of S. Ignatius their Patron; (and thereupon also,in honour of the Feast
of our Lady of the Angell, the Monastery of St. Mary of Peace,) was there presented,
by those Fathers, with a piece of the Cloak of St. Amedee, the Founder of that House,
after she had touched among other Relicks, of the Habit of the Blessed S. Jacques de la
Marque, for th' obteyning of a second and happy issue, by th' Intercession of that Blessed
Man; who is much invoked here for that purpose.All her Train and Followers are already
on their way by the Langhes, through Montferrat; which way she her self will also take, after
she [unr]th given Audience to Card. Ludovisio, his Holy ships Legate a Latere; who was
upon the point of returning without doing his Message,upon a pretence that the Ministers
of Spain were to appoint him Cond tions in writing agreed upon between them; to th'
end he might send them to Rome,and there have them kept among the Rolls of the Vatican,
to serve as Presidents, in the like cases, hereafter. But the Cardinall Montalto finding
him out at Melegnano, hath at the length, prevailed with him to forgo that pretention,
and to make, this day, his solemn Entry into this Town. Our Forces which were divided
[unr]nto two Bodies; th'one towards the River of Po on Alexandria-side,and th' other
towards that of la Sefia, between the Territories of Navarre and the Lomellina, are now
joyned together at St. Germains, two miles from la Santia.
From Genoa the eighth of August.
A while ago, a child, of five yeers of age,called Juan Dominice Gianini, the Son of
Master Vincenzi Gianini,(an eminent, Citizen of this Towne) made a Sermon in the
Colledge of the Seminaries, to the honour of S. Antonie of Padua, in the presence of Cardinall
Durazzo our Arch Bishop, and the whole Chapter, and of a great number of persons
ran thither to behold such a prodigy of knowledge, or memory in so small an age;
and who had formerly made many other publike speeches, to the great astonishment of
our most famous Preachers. Our Magistrate for health has forbidden all commerce with
the Town of Marseillis by reason of the Plague; which increaseth likewise at Sivil, though
at diminish as much at Cales.
From Placentia, August 9.
Many Troops of Cavalery are departed hence to Parma, where they are to joyne with
others (amounting to 2500 horse)to go to the Relief of Castro; which the Duke of Parma
hopes he may easily relieve, so as bee be suffered him to passe through Tuscany. There
is come untohim good store of Officers from the Territories of Milan, for the leading
of those Troops,and getting them a passage unto that place; while others are appointed
to fall upon the Countie of Bologna.
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