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The moderate intelligencer, Number 235, 13th-20th September 1649 E.574[13]

is he partiall? petition against him, is there a want of money, Forma Paupris[unr]
ordained: the true state of the businesse is, faith the Plaintife, there's no law will doe
me any good, I am gone that way, it's against me, I have no help, unlessel can get a
Committee of affection, my adversary is a Presbyterian or a Cavalier, and I goe the Independent
way, and can make better friends then he, this indeed is common talke, but
fute it's a slander: the Committee of elections was indeed call'd of old, the Committee
of affection, but sure that hath spread no farther, they say, that if a business
triable at Common Law be removed to Parliament, it's suspicious, a learned and
faithfull Judge now in employment cries shame that any such removes or stops be made
in the ordinary course of Justice, and the Parliament a lows it not, for in all their Laws
anew made, they refer the execution to the Judges or Justices, or other sworn Magistrates,
as appears more especially by that which this day came abroad, inhabiting the
brewing Ale or Beer above 10 shil. a barrell, the oftence being to be complained of to
a justice of Peace, who having a Proofe by the Oaths of two men, is to leavie the money
or fine.
September 13.
The Parliament gave especiall order that the Gen. direct his Souldiers, to do what in
them lies to prevent the robberies that are upon the High-way, which is not possible,
unless they have intelligence and power to apprehend suspicious persons, such as they
take are to be brought before Justices, who are to deal with them according to Law:
A Commission is to issue forth for visiting the University of Oxford. The Act for reliefe
of tender consciences was this day read the second time, Captain Smiths Troop
continued in Oxfordshire for six moneths, diverse Petitions were read, and referred to
Committees: Act to settle a Major and Aldermen in Winchester: an Act to repeall
the penall Statues for not comming to Church: that Laws should be made to force to
Worship seems one of the most irrationall things in the world, and hath done more
mischiefe then any one thing whatsoever.
The 14.
The Parliament ordered a letter to be sent to some of the States of the United Provinces.
Taking into consideration a ship lately taken, belonging to some of the Netherlands
States, it was ordered to be discharged, the Mariners are to receive recompence
another way: They referred Petition of the Lady of Castlehaven to a Committee,
being informed that much money was collected in severall places in England for
the distressed Irish banished from their countrey and possessions by the party of Owen
Roe and other bloudy Rebels: they ordered that all who have any money so collected,
pay it unto those who fit at christ church to relieve maimed Souldiers, who are to pay it
to the poore; as for their going over into Ireland by the strength thereof, it's doubtfull,
in regard chat place is not so fully reduced as yet, to encourage any, and when, it's to
be feared that the summs so paid will not be great enough.
At ousand pound ordered out of the Revenue in consideration of the pulling down
Guttrich Castle.
The letter to some of the States Provinciall, being brought in and read was approved
and ordered to be subscribed and sent, more carriages ordered for the Regiments that
are to go for Ireland. An Act read, qualifying the Commissioners of the Constomes to
leavy the forfeitures that shall be made by those that bring in Wines of French growth
They are now at 10 pence a Quart, what will they come unto? of old, Canarie and
other Spanish Wines were sold by the Apothecaries, and not drunk but when people
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