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Mercurius melancholicus, Number 2, 1st-8th January 1649 E.537[19]

will bring him to speedy tryall: So that now by sad experience,
we too truely finde, that the transgression of our Land, is in the
multitude of the Princes thereof.
Gilbert Mabbot in his weekely and frantick Libell, (which he
termes the Tuesday Moderate Intelligence) wherein he constantly
vents his malice against Monarchy, and spits venome in his Soveraignes
face, this last weeke takes a great deale of paines to no
purpose, to prove that Heires apparent are no true Kings untill
their Coronation, how just soever their title of succession otherwise
be, and though their Predecessors be dead; which fond and
false ascertion he goeth at out to make, and by severall vaine arguments,
and inconsiderable precedents, which he fetcheth from ancient
and distempered times, and likewise from severall precedents
out of France, and Spaine, where wee know the Pope exercises a
usurped Authority over Kings, and Princes, to inaugurate and depose
them at his pleasure, which power the Protestants have in all
Ages and Counsells condemned and derested as false and abominable:
Our Zealots will side with the Devill for their owne ends;
and like their present corrupt Judges, who wrest the law to their
wills, making it to speake, where it is silent and silent where it
thunders: So this Pamphleteer, and his Faction will taile against
Papists, and yet square their actions according to their most crocked
rules; they are like sampsons Foxes, whose tayles were joyned,
though their heads were parted : This he asserts, left the most
illustrious Prince Charles should succeede his Royall Father; whose
death they are plotting, and so should revenge his Fathers death :
But there is no man that is either wise or loyall, but knowes that
it was God, and not the people, that made Saul and David Kings;
and further to blow away this eyry conceipt, he may know, that
as King James, and King Charles, in England were crowned Kings
or Ireland ; So Prince Charles may after his Royall Fathers decease
(whose life God continue) in Ireland be crowned King of
The blood bib bers at Whitehall caused one Major Pitchard, a
Loyall and Valiant Gentleman to be murdered in Pauls Churchyard;
the maine and principall cause why they put him to death
was, because he was a true and faithfull subject to his Soveraigne,
and a valiant and expert Commander; but their pretended causes
were, because at the delivery of Worcester, of which he was
sometime Governour for his Majesty, he ingaged never to take up
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