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A briefe relation of some affaires, Number 15, 18th-25th December 1649 E.587[2]

as he will appoint, provided he ingageth his paroll unto him,
that he shall not be prejudiced there, concerning the Action Passed that
day in the morning, imputed unto him. The dutcbesse of Monbason
hath assured the Queen Regent, that the said Marquis was at her house
untill midnight, the evening of that pretended Attempt; in the meane
while was said Prince insists still to have some Guards: And Mashall de
Breze his Father in Law, who is at present here, doth renew his pretentions
upon the Admiralty., and hath obtained the survivence of his Government
of sannur, for the Duke of Anguien his Grand Child. The
Duke of Orleans is likewise about to have his hands the governments
of the Citadelles and places of Perpignan, Salses, Montpellier, and Pent St.
Esprit; so that every on taking advantage of this Minority, and of the
coususion of the present Government, it is very likely, that if the King intends
to reigne, when he comes to his Majority, he must needs make a
new conqueft, wherein he will meet with no small hindrances, considering
the Allarms and generall miseries of the People of this Kingdome,
where the most cafie men are pinched; those that have Offices, and Rents
upon the King being not paid; those that have money at use, being in danger
of the dayly Banckrupts; and those whosefortunes are in Houses and
Lands, getting little or noting of it, partly by the over domineering of the Land-Loards,
who doe not only Sheere, but doe also most commonly flay
Prince Francis, Brother to the Duke of Lorrain, having put in his opposition
in this Parliament for himself and his Children unto the indamnisying
given to the Prince of Conde for the said Admirallity, upon the said
places Jamets, Stenay and clermons, the generall Arturny who at first refused
to receive the said Opposition, hath at last been oliged to accept
of it
The Frondeurs doe take heart againe, the Sieur de coutures one of the
Syndicks of the Rentiers hath presented a Request to this Parliament, demanding,
that it be informed against such as have laid waite for him,
and attempted to get him out of his owne house murther him
Munday morning a great assembly was held in this Parliament, the
Frondeurs came the first. Viz. The Duke of Beaufort, the Coadjutor,
Marshall de la Mothe, the Dukes of Rhetz, de Brissac, de Luynes, and others.
The Duke of Orleans, and the Prince of Conde, the Prince of
Conti, the Dukes of Vendosme, d' Elbeuf, Mercoeur, and other Grandees
so the Number of 17. came after. The Rancks of the three last were regulated
in their precedent session by his expadient. The Every one of
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