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Heads of a diarie collected out, Number 4, 20th-27th December 1648 E.536[9]

Castle the 20th of December by nine of clocke in the
morning, with their wearing apparrell, and money properly
their own; Their Coullers flying, Drums beating,
Muskets loaden, Bandaleers filled, Matches lighted, and
Bullet in mouth, to a Close called Scarborough-Common,
and there to lay downe their Armes: Except what is excepted.
2. That the Governour shall march with his Horse and
Armes, offencive and defencive, and three Servants on horsebacke
to attend him (with their swords) to what place hee
shall appoint: Every-field Officer on horsebacke, with
Swords and Pistolls, and two Servants on horsebacke with
their Swords : Every Captaine on horsebacke with their
Swords and Pistolls, and on Servant to attend them. All
other Commission Officers, Reformadoes and Gentlemen
on foot with one Pistoll and Sword. All other inferiour
Officers and Souldiecs with their Swords, to their severall
habitations, and there to remaine without molestation, submitting
to all Orders and Ordinances of Parliament, and
for any thing done in order to the providing for or securing
of the said Garrison for His Majesties service, to bee freed
from arrests, or other molestation, till the first of May next
insuing. And all Officers and Souldiers included in these
Articles shall have liberty to go about their occasions to any
parts of the Kingdome, except besiedged places; and in
case any one of them shall desire to goe beyond the Seas,
betwixt the time of the surrender of this Garrison, and the
first of May next ensuing, passes shall be granted unto them
to that purpose, Also all such persons as are imployed a
bout the affaires of this Garrison and are not now in custody,
shall have the benefit of these Articles.
4 That free-quarter shall be granted to all included in
these Articles in their passages to their severall habitations:
They travelling eight miles a day, and not staying above
one night in place; except on the Sabboth day: And that
all sick and wounded persons shall be provided for, till they
shall be recovered, and then to have passes to their severall
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