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Perfect occurrences of every dayes, Number 115, 9th-16th March 1649 E.527[35]

[unr] for that purpose, and all that co[unr] voites.
Hen. Scobell, Cler. Parliam.
The Votes themselves following
1. Resolved upon the Question by the Commons in Parliament Assembled, That 120000l.
per mensem, shall be provided for six months for the maintenance of the Forces of
England and Ireland, to the end Free-quarter may be taken off.
2. Resolved &c. That here bean addition 10000 li. to the 60000 li per mensem,
for payment of the Fordes in England, to the 20000 li. Per menses of Ireland.
3. Resolved, etc. That towards the summe of 120000 li. Per mensem, for payment
of the said forces for England and Ireland, there shall be 90000li. Per mensem levied
by way of tax for six months to begin from the of March instant.
Hen. Scobell Cler. Parliament
Ordered by the Commons in Parliament Assembled, That the charge on every County
for raising the said 90000 li. Per mensem, shall be according to the severall proportions
in the former Ordinance. And that an Act be brought to for the purpose the Committee
of the Army, and that the Members of the House doe repaire to that Committee, in
case they shall think necessary to have any alterations of names in the Act.
Hen. Scobell Cler. Parliam.
Die Veneris, 9. Martii 1648.
ORdered by the Commons Assembled in Parliament, That there shall be forthwith a sale
made of all the Fee Farmer Remo, lately belonging to the Crown and Dutchy o Lancaster,
and the mony to be raised there by shall go to wards the payment of the 30000 li. Per mensem
to make up the 120000li.per mensem, for the Forces in England and Ireland.
Hen. Scobell Cler. Parliam.
The House chose a Committee for the consideration of the sale thereof accordingly.
A Petition was this day presented by the Countesse of Holland, for a reprieve
to her husband, but it was rejected by the House of Commons.
The Commons ordered a Writ to issue out for the choosing of Knights to sit
in Parliament for Berk-shire, in place of Sir Francis Pile deceased, and a Warrant
to be signed by the Speaker. Instead of Carolus Decgratia, it is to be Custodes libertati
Anglie, Authoritate Parliamenti.
The Scots Commisioners went this day from Gravesend, and the Convoy
with them towards Scotland.
A Petition was this day presented by divers in and about London, in behalfe
of the poor of the Nation, the House sent out Col. Ven to acquaint them that their
Petition was read, that the House findes therein no particular matter of present
or effectuall reliese for the poor; but that the House have divers things under
consideration and commitment, that they will be both of present and future
reliefe for the poor, which together with other matter of generall and necessary
importance to the whole Nation, they will hasten the consideration and resolution
Some Members of Parliament, and others, being at supper last night before
this, at Tower-hill, were called out to fee five extraordinary Stars and whilst they
looked on them, the three greatest fell, the two least not; this they supposed
might be an Omen to three of the greatest of the Lords condemned, whole Petitions
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