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Perfect occurrences of every dayes, Number 115, 9th-16th March 1649 E.527[35]

were at that instant under debate by the House of Commons.
The 3 Lords were this day beheaded in the Pallace Yard at Westminster.
Mrs. Joan Fitz James her Case, presented by her this day to the House of
Leweston Fitz James Esquire, left his daughter Joan Fitz James 2100 li. for her
Portion, which is all her maintenance and livelihood.
This Portion was lent some years before these Wars unto George Lord Digby
by Bond, upon which Bond is now due, and owing unto the said Fitz James
the summe of 1700 li. for principall and interest.
Mrs. Joan Fitz James having proved her debt before the Committee for relief
of Creditors, of Delinquents excepted from pardon.
The said Committee have by Order appointed to her and her heires a parcell
of the said Lord Dighies Land, called Wake Farme in the County of Dorset, being
of the yearly value of 100 li. (which was certified to be utmost value thereof
by the Committee of the County of Dorset) in satisfaction of her said debt,
and ordered the same to be reported to the House, that the same may be passed
to her and her heires, by Ordinance of Parliament.
The House did nothing at all as yet in it, nor have had leisure to receive the
An Act for regulating the Election of Officers in the City of Norwich.
THe Parliament of England doe Enact and ordain, and be it hereby enacted and
ordained by Authority of the same, That no person whatsoever that hath been
imprisoned, or hath had his estate sequestred for his Delinquency, or hath assisted the
late King in the first or second wars, or hath been ayding and assisting in bringing in
the Scotch late Army to invade this Kingdom of England,or hath been counselling,
aiding, or assisting to the Revolt of the ships imployed by the Parliament, since the
first day of Jane 1648. or that subscribed, dispersed, or promoted the Petition
made in the behalf of John Utting, late Mayor of Norwich, that he might not attend
the Parliament, the said Utting being required so to do by Order of Parliament, or
that were acting, aiding, assisting, of abetting to, or in any of the late Mutinies, Ryots,
or insurrections, that were raised, acted, and committed in the said City of Norwich,
and county of the same, since the yeer 1644. That all, and every such person
or persons, for the space of three whole yeers, to be accounted from the tenth day
of March in the yeer of our Lord, 1648. shall be dis-inabled, and are hereby made
incapable to be elected, chosen, or put into office or place of Mayor, Recorder,
Steward, Sheriffe, Alderman, Common-councel-man, or into any other Office or
place of Honour, trust, or profit in the said City of Norwich and County of the same,
onto give his voice for electing or chusing any person to any of the Offices aforesaid.
And in case any such Person or persons shall be elected of chosen to any of
the said offices or places, that then the said election to be, and is hereby made null
and void. And it is hereby further enacted and ordained, That all such persons, comprehended
under any of the aforesaid Exceptions, now in any of the aforesaid offices
or places, to forth with removed, displaced, and made uncapable of bearing any office
or [unr] in the said City of County, for the foresaid space of three yeers: And
if any such person shall after the tenth day of March 1648. presume to sit in the
Cours of Aldermen or Common Councel, or execute any of the aforesaid offices or
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