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Perfect occurrences of every dayes, Number 115, 9th-16th March 1649 E.527[35]

places, or shall be chosen contrary to this Act and Ordinance, and shall execute any
place or office, That then the said person or persons so offending,shall forfeit such
sum or sums of money, as the Mayor of Norwich for the time, and any four, or more
of the Aldermen of the said City, upon hearing the cause, shall adjudge, not acceeding
one hundred pounds; one moyety thereof to be paid to him or them
that shall inform,and make proofe thereof to the Mayor and Aldermen of the
said City, or to any foure of them; the other moyety to be paid to the Treasurers
of the said City, to the use and relief of Maimed Souldiers, in the said City
and County of Norwich: The whole sum of 100 1. to be paid according to this
Ordinance, within twenty dayes after any such person or persons shall be convicted,
as aforesaid. And for default of such payment, or any part thereof, the
said Mayor and Aldermen for the time being, or any foure of them, are hereby
authorized, and required to levy the said sum by distresse, and sale of the goods
and Estate of the person so convicted of any of the Offences aforesaid, contracy
to this Act and Ordinance. And in case no such distresse can be taken or had of
any person so convicted, that then the said person so convicted, shall bee committed
to the Common Gaol of the said City, there to continue without Raile
or Mainprize, not exceeding the space of fix months: And the Mayor for the
time being, and Aldermen of the said City, are hereby required from time to
time to afford the liberty of Poll at all elections, it being required by any of
the Electors present; And to give Order that this Act and Ordinance be published
at all Elections, and that the same be Strictly and punctually observed, and
to put this Act in execution.
Hen. Scobel Cler. Parliamenti.
Saturday, March 10. 1648.
THe Acts and Instructions for the Courts in Wales were this day perfected
and all the Judges for the Circuits in Wales are setled.
For Northwales, the Judges for the Counties of Chester, Mountgomery, Denhigh
and Flint, are, the Lord President Bradshaw, chiefe Justice of Chester, (who is spared
at present, because of his publick employment;) and Mr. Warbleton is his second:
And for the Counties of Carnarvan, Merinoth, and Andesey, are Mr. Keeble,
one of the Lords Commissioners of the Great Seal, chiefe Justice (who is therefore
spared, and Mr. Littleton his second. And for Southwales for the Counties of
Pembrooke, Cardigan, and C.rmartben, Mr. Powell chief Justice, and Mr. Clerke his
second: And for the Counties of Brecknock, Glamorgan, and Radner, Mr. Elkenhead
chiefe Justice, and Mr. Parker second. They have power to call all Courts there,
Upper bench, Common-Please, &c. as in Westminster-Hall here.
Die Sabbathi 10 Martii. 1648.
Mr. Miles Corbet, reports from the Committee of the Navy, the want of power for sertine
out of the Fleet; and that for raising of monies to supply the same,it will be necessary to
passe an Act for payment of the 17505 li. Charged on the Customes to the Judges, &c. to the
use of the Navy, according to the Order of the 19 of January last, and to enable the Committee
of the Navy to take up many upon credit.
An Act to transfer the Sallaries of the Judges, and others for the use of the
Navy, was this day read the forth and second time, and upon the question
ORdered by the Commons Assemised in Parliament that the Committee of the Many be;
and are hereby inpowered to borrow, what monity they can upon the credit the said Act,
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