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Perfect occurrences of every dayes, Number 115, 9th-16th March 1649 E.527[35]

for the better carrying on of the affairs of the Navy for the future.
Hen. Scobell Cler. Parliam.
An Act was brought in for redreffe of that great abuse of imprisonment for
debt, the thing was wel liked to be remedied, but the manner by that Act presented,
was not liked of; and therefore the House chose a Committee, and passed
Instructions for them, for the bringing in of another Act, for the more orderly
remedy therein.
Die Sabbathi 10. Martii, 1648.
ORdered by the Commons Assembled in Parliament, That the summe of twenty pounds
(over and above the summe of threescore and ten pounds, formerly bestowed upon Mr. James
Noble) be given, and forthwith paid out of Charles Key mish his Fine, unto the
said Mr. Noble, for his former good services, and great journeys by bin for the good of the
Hen. Scobell, Cler. Parliam.
The Scots Commissioners went this day from Theobalds, and so on towards
Scotland with the Guard, as I told you was appointed last week.
Letters came this day from Scotland, which say, That the Lord Balmerine, and
other persons of note in Scotland, are dead suddenly. The Parliament, and Commissioners
of the Kirke did sit. David Lesly, cannot yet get Forces enough to
march to Enuernesse. The Scots Ministers petition to the Parliament for Justice
against Marquesse Huntly, and others, guilty of bloudshed and murder.
The Commons ordered, that the Act for Westminster should be reported to
the House on Wednesday following.
The House passed Instructions for the bringing of an Act for payment of
Delinquents monies into Goldsmiths Hall, and for the Gentlemen of the Counties
to bring in names of Gentlemen.
Die Sabbathi 10. Martii 1648.
ORdered by the Commons Assembled in Parliament, That the Clerke of this House, doe
upon the rising of the House daily send to the Councell of State, such Orders of this House
as concern them.
Die Sabbathi 10th March 1648.
ORdered by the Commons Assembled in Parliament, That the Committee of Excise be
desired to sit, and take into consideration some way of improving the bew fit of the Excise,
for the advantage of the Common-Wealth, and for the better regulation of it, and report
it on the House.
Commis.Gen. Ierton
Collonell Rich
Collonell Harvey
Mr. Fenwicke
Mr. Blakestone
Mr. Dove.
Mr. Humphery Edwards,
Mr. Feilder.
Collonoll Harrison.
Mr. Skinner
Mr. Peter Temple
Collonell Wowton
Sir Will. Allenson.
Mr. Hen. Martin.
Mr. Miles Corbet.
Mr. Hallowes
And M. Miles Corbet is to
have a special care thereof.
This Committee are to consider with the Commissioners of the Excise and such persons
as they shell thinke fit, by what way the account touching the Excise may be passed in the
Exchequer, and to report the same to the House.
Hen Scobell Cleric. Parliament.
As Act to transfer the Sallaries of the Judges and others for the use of the Navie,
passed March 10. 1648.
Whereas the Commons of England assembled in Parlia upon consideration bad the
great pains of the Commissioners of the great Scale, the Judges of the upper bench
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