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Severall proceedings in Parliament, Number 9, 23rd-30th November 1649 E.533[26]

tractors, Registers, Surveyors, and other the persons imployed
in the sale of the Honours, Mannours, and Lands belonging to
the late King, Queen, and Prince, and for the stating of Accounts
was this day read that hid time, and upon the Question
passed, and Ordered to be forthwith Printed and published.
Resolved &c.
That this House doth declare, That the Tenants of the Lands
of the late King, Queen, and Prince, shall have and receive no
prejudice by the suspention of the sale of the said Lands, but that
all and every the said Tenants shall have the like benefit of Preemption
after the time limited, for stay of the said sale; as by
the Act they are to have after the return or publication of the
Ordered, &c.
That the Bill touching Writs of Error, be Reported on Friday
Resolved upon the Question,
That this House doth approve of what hath been done by Mr.
Francis Dove, the Mayor of Sarum, in pursuing and retaking the
Prisoners which escaped out of the Gaole there; and that the
Sheriffe of the County of Wilts be required to take care to satisfie
the charges of the Persons imployed in that service, and that
the same be allowed unto him upon his Accounts in the Exchequer.
The Act inabling divers reduced Officers and others, subscribed
to a Petition, to make discoveries to the publique use, and
towards their satisfaction, was this day read the second time and
upon the Question committed.
The House according to former order, adjourned
till Tuesday next.
Tuesday the 27 of Novem. 1649.
AN Act for a generall subscription to the Engagement,
throughout the Nation, was this day read the first and second
time, and upon the question committed.
The House being informed that the High Sheriffe named for
the County of Suffex is since dead, it was
Resolved upon the Question by the Parliament, That Thomas
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