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Severall proceedings in Parliament, Number 9, 23rd-30th November 1649 E.533[26]

intelligence that the Irish had drawne their Army together between
Rosse and Kilkenny, with a resolution to fight, his Lordship
hath drawn out all his Forces,and raised his siege at Duncannon,
he marched over his new bridge at Rosse, on Tuesday in
the evening, the 13th of this instant, he hath 4000 Foote, and
2000 horse, the Enemy is said to be 8000 Foot, and 3000 Horse
I beleeve they cannot keep their men together, and therefore desires
to sight. The Lord I hope will appeare for us.
Dublin 21 Novemb. 1649.
Right Honourable,
I Am bold to present unto your Lordship a Copy of the Articles
of Agreement between ormond and Owen oneale, who as
wee are credibly informed is since dead, he himself bequeathed
his Command, unto his Major Generall Hugh O Neile, whereat
we hear his Lieutenant Generall Farrald is displeased, and Sir
Phelim O Neale as chief of the Sept opposeth both their claimes.
My Lord Lieutenant hath drawn off those forces he had before
Duncannon, and upon Tuesday last marched over the bridge
which he newly built at Rosse, into the County of Kilkenny. I
beleeve he hath before this time fought with the Rebels if they
would stand. Youghall hath certainly declared for the Parliament.
Knockesergus by Articles is to surrender unto Sir Charles
coot, by the middle of the next moneth, if not relieved before.
I have not else at this time to trouble your Lordship withall, and
therefore crave leave to rest,
My Lord,
Your Lordships most humble
william Basill.
Dublin 20 Novem. 1649.
Articles of Agreement concluded and agreed upon, by and
between Sir Nich. Plunket Knight, and Sir Richard Barnwall Baronet,
authorised by the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, to treat and
conclude with Generall owen O Neal and his party on the One
part, and the Right Reverend in God the Lord Bishop of Clogher
and Tirlagh o Boyle in the County of Doneg all Esquire, authorised
by the Said Generall Neale, and his Party of the other Part,
bearing date the 12. day of October, 1649.
Imprimis, It is accorded, concluded, and agreed upon between
the said parties, and the said Sir Nicholas Pulnket, and Sir
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