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Severall proceedings in Parliament, Number 9, 23rd-30th November 1649 E.533[26]

Richard Barnewall, doe promise and agree, that the Bishops, and
all others of the Roman Catholicke Clergy, and all other
the Roman Catholicks, who adhered tot he said Generall Neyle
and his party, shall have the benefit of the late Articles of peace
between his Majesties said Lord Lieutenant, and the late Generall
Assembly of the Consederate Roman Catholicks of this
Kingdome,concerning the free exercise of Catholicke Religion,
and concerning the Churches and Church living, and jurisdictions
in as ample manner as any other of the Roman Catholicks
in this Kindgome, either Clergy or Laity respectively, have
or ought to have and enjoy, by the said late Articles of peace,
and as fully as in the said Articles are contained. And it is
further concluded and accorded, and the said Sir Nich, Plunket,
and Sir Richard Barnewall do promise and agree, that the Roman
Catholicke Clergy of ulster shall have and enjoy the Churches
and Church-livings, whereof they are now possessed, and that
they and every of them respectively, shall be continued in the
quiet and peaceable possessions thereof, and of every part thereof
in as large and ample manner, as if the said Articles of peace
concluded as aforesaid, were at his time agreed upon; the said
Generall O Neyle and his party submitting to his Majesties Authority
in this Kingdome. And that all his Majesties Roman
Catholicke Subjects of this Kingdome shall have good and reasonable
contentment in the disposall of the Churches and
Church livings, which are now, or at any time shall be in the
hands of the Enemy or Malignant party, when and as often as
the same, or any part thereof shall be recovered from the
Enemy or Malignant party in any part of this Kingdome.
2. Item, It is accorded and agreed between the said parties, and
the said Sir Nich. Plunket, and Sir Richard Barnewall, doe promise,
conclude, and agree that the said Generall O Neyle, shall
have six thousand Foot under his command, of eight Colonells
and other the inferiour Officers of so many Regiments," and
eight hundred Horse under the command of two Colonels, and
other the inferiour Officers of the said two Regiments, the said
Horse and Foot to be established; as for the Province of Ulster,
under the command of the said Generall Neyle, and the same to
be continued until this Kingdome be free of the Common Enemy
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