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Severall proceedings in Parliament, Number 9, 23rd-30th November 1649 E.533[26]

And the said Generall Neyle, and the Forces aforesaid, to
be subject onely and immediately to the command of his Majesties
Lord Lieutenant, or other chiefe Governour, or Governours
of this Kingdome for the time being. And the said Generall
Neyle shall nominate the said Colonels of Horse and Foot,
and their inferiour Officers, and the Officers so to be by him named,
be of the Officers of Regiments formerly under his command,
before this distance from the late Government, and now
adhering to him, and the number of Common Souldiers and
Troppers as are now actually under his Command, of those officers,
and the said Forces to be maintained upon the Publicke
stocke of the Kingdome, wherein the foure Severall Provinces
are to bee included, according to their respective abilities.
3. Item, It is further concluded and agreed between the said
parties, and the said Sir Nicholas Plunket, and Sir Richard Barrwall
doe Promise and agree that the said Generall O Neyle, shall
have and be satisfied such personal pay as was established for
the Generall of Munster, or Leymster by the late Government.
4. Item, it is further agreed between the said parties, and the
said Sir Nicholas Plunket, and Sir Richard Burnwall, doe Promise
and agree, that in case of the said General O Neyles death, or
removall by advancement, or otherwise, before settlement in
Parliament, that the Nobility and Gentry of the Province of
Ulster, shall have power to name one to his Majesties Lord Lieutenant,
or other Chiefe Governour or Governours, of this Kingdome
for the time being, to command in the place of the said
Generall O Neyle, as aforesaid, and the Command to be conferred
on the party so to be nominated accordingly.
5. And it is concluded and agreed that the particular cases
of such of the Province O 'Ulster, as can make it appeare to have
suffered by the like grievance as the Lord of Iveagh, and others
instanced in the late Articles of Peace. Shall bee considered of
and redressed as well as those instanced in the said late Articles
of Peace.
6. Item, It is also concluded and agreed, that the said Generally
Neyle, and the party adhering to him shall have the full benefit
of the said Articles of peace in what concerneth the releeting
the inhabitants of the said province in their demands touching
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