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Severall proceedings in Parliament, Number 9, 23rd-30th November 1649 E.533[26]

II Item, It is further accorded and agreed, That what Ingagements
the said General O Neile and his party or any of them
shall make appeare to bee justly due, of the late Government,
they shall have the full benefit of the Articles of the late peace
for securing the payment thereof: And the said Generall Neile
and his party, and every or any of them, are likewise left at liberty
to take advantage of their Bonds and other securities of
them who are ingaged to pay the same.
12. Item, It is further accorded and agreed, that the said Generall
Neile and the Forces to bee established under his Command,
shall have, and possesse the Artilery they now have, and
likewise the two peeces which they formerly had, and are now as
13 Item, It is further agreed, that the Creaghts of Ulster
now remaining in any part of this Kingdome, shall be at liberty
to declare and goe to the said Province of Ulster to their severall
and respective habitations.
14 Item, It is further accorded and agreed, by, and between
the said parties, that an act of oblivion shall be passed in the
next Parliament, Extending to Genurall O Neile and his Party,
and their Adherents, for all acts committee since the 22th. Of
october 1641. until this present: And until that Act of Parliament
be passed, And Generall Neile nor any of his party shall
be questioned for any act done during that intervall of time,Other
then such as shall be convicted of horrid murders, excepted
in the late Articles of Peace.
15 Items, It is further accorded and agreed, that his Excellency
the Lord Lieutenant shall ratifie, confirme, and approve these
Articles, and in convenient time to cause the same to be Printed
and passed under the great seale of this Kingdom.
16 Item, It is further accorded, that such as tooke the goods
of his Majesties Subjects of either side, since the 17th. Of January
last, and were not inlifted under Command with any party
shall be lyable to restore the goods so by them taken, or the
value thereof, within three Months after the date of these Articles,
to the respective owners or proprietors, where of it they
faile they are to loose the benefit of the act of oblivion, in what
may concern the crimes and offences so commi[unr]ted by them, and
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