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Severall proceedings in Parliament, Number 9, 23rd-30th November 1649 E.533[26]

to be prosecuted as the law required.
17 Item, Whereas it is expressed in these Articles, that all the
parties who have joyned with Generall Neyle in this kingdom
shall have full benefit thereof, wherein they of the Countys of
Longford, Leytrins and With[unr] are especially meant and intended.
18 Item, It is further accorded and agreed, that the Forces
under the Command of Bryon Mac Pheli[unr] Birne shall bee established
as of the Forces of the Kingdome, and in case the
Province of Leynster accept not of his Forces, as for so many
of the Forces of the said Province of Leynster, then those Forces
to bee included as part of the 6000 Foote and 800 Horse,
which the Generall of Ulster and his party are to have by these
Articles, Provided, that the said Forces now Under the command
of the said Bryan mac Phelim extend not above the
number of one Regiament of Foote, and one Troope of
Its witnesse where of said Sir Nicholas Plunket, and Sir Richard
Barnewall have to the part of these Articles put their
Hands and Seales the day and year above written.
Ride. Burnewall. Nishy plunket
Signed, Sealed and delivered by the above named Sir Nich.
Plunket and sir Rich. Barnewall in the Presence of us,
West meath Jacff.
Daniel O Neyle.
Webear Nugent.
Ale, Warren.
Ja. Flemming.
Tho Nugent.
Hugh Busket.
Ja. Macabe.
Wednesday 28 Novemb.
THe humble Petition of the well Affected Freemen of the
Towne of Badford whose names are thereunto annexed,
was this day read
To the supream Authority of this Nations, the Commons of England
Assembled in Parliament.
The humble Petition of the wel affected freeman of the Town
of Bedford
shew 8th
That wee cannot but acknowledge, from the secretes of our
hearts, the exceeding goodnesse of God, which through Un[unr]te
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