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Severall proceedings in Parliament, Number 9, 23rd-30th November 1649 E.533[26]

And doe most humbly desire, that if you shall be pleased
to re-establish them into a Corporation, which under your Parliamentary
Government, they shall account a great happinesse. That
you would likewise provide that no one may bee a Member
thereof, who shall not first subscribe to the Engagement for
fidelity to the Parliamentary Government now established, that
so there may not if possible any persideous member lurke in that
And they shall alwayes endeavour and pray for your happinesse.
Ordered by the Parliament, That that part of the Said Petition
which concernes the Corporation, be referred to the same
Committee to whom the Petition of the Towne of Northampton
is referred, to consider thereof, and to send for, and peruse the charter of
the said Town. And to-consider of the conveniences and inconveniences
thereof, in reference to the Commonwealth, as it is now established, with
power to send for parties; and to here what shall be propounded them
for alteration of the Charter for the benefit of the Petitioners, so as may
best stand with the Government now established; and the good of the
Ordered by the Parliament, That the Benchers of the severall Innes of
court, and the heads of the Innes of Chancery, be enjoyned and required,
not to permit any publick Revelling, or Gaming in any of the said Innes of
Courts or Chancery.
An Act for discharging from imprisonment, poore Prisoners, unable to
satisfie their Creditors, was this day read the first and second time, and
upon the Question comitted, and the Committee and to meet tomorrow at
[unr] of the clock in the afternoon in the Exchequier Chamber and so do dis,
in dieam, and that the said Committee doe take care to bring in the Act
touching Creditors, and that both the Acts be reported together.
An Act for the Sheriffes to appoint deputies who are to receive and
transmit the Acts, Orders and directions of the Parliament and Councel of
State, and the respective Sheriffes to make returnes thereof as they shall be
injoyned by the Parliament or Councell, was this day read the first and
second time, and upon the Question committed.
Thursday the 29 of November.
The house according to former Order was this day resolved into a
Grand Committee upon the businesse of the Excise.
A Letter from Scotland.
VEry little here at present; there is not a word from Libberton
as yet, which is the maine thing expected here; Sir James
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