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Severall proceedings in Parliament, Number 9, 23rd-30th November 1649 E.533[26]

Mongomery was this day before the Committee of Estates, hee
seems to be very penitent, and without all question will bee received
as a choice member with them; this last weeke it had
beene a sufficient ground for every one to be counted a Sectary,
that would not his last weeke have believed the reports that
was here, to wit, that cromwel was kill'd most of his Forces
routed: David Lesty hath taken in Caithnesse, but is again returned
into Rosse; they in orkney are very active, they Muster and
Traine the whole Country, above 4 of 5000. The Earle of
Lanarick is made Duke Hambleton.
From Ireland little at present, and what is, is so cost up and
downe in a malignant heart, and a Presbyterian tongue, that we
can hardly give credit to any thing: Its reported that the siege is
raised at Caricksergus, that George Monroe is burning and spoyling
about Row-water. The Ministers are very earnest in prayer,
that the Lord would uphold the Spirits of their Friends in England
and Ireland.
Edenburgh Novem. 16.1649.
The Governour of Dublins first Letter.
THe Lord doth Wonderfully appeare among our Forces;
Sir Charles Coot did storme Colraine,and put all those in
Arms to the Sword: venables is now before Carickfergus, and
I hope sir Charles is joyned with them before this, owen Roe is
joyned with ormond, and is Generall, the English amongst
them much discontent, commeth unto us daily. I dispatcht 2
part to the Army this day of 1200 Horse and Foot; Corke hath
declared for us, and keeps Inchequins wife and children prisoners.
I am in haste; you have in briefe our affaires from,
Your loving Friend,
J. Hewsun.
The Governour of Dublins second Letter.
The mighty God, the Lord our Rock and Shield, is going
fourth so wonderfully, in mighty acts of Power, Justice,
Mercy and Grace, that truly we are amazed with the beholdings
thereof; oh, what God is like our God! Fearefull in
[unr], working wonders; great and glorious was his out going
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