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Severall proceedings in Parliament, Number 9, 23rd-30th November 1649 E.533[26]

and Collonell sckerlocke, the Major being acquainted
there with, resolved not to quarter at Glasamicke, but continued
marching on his way by the Sea side, being assured of their
intention to fall upon our part that night, and about two houres
after he passed Glascamicke, Inchequeen came there and finding
them gone, he marched after and fell upon the Reare of our men
within 6 miles of Wexford, the Major drew up, and a party of
our Horse and Foot charged them who was routed, though the
Officers did their indeavour to prevent, yet they retreated disorderly;
then another party ingaged and forced the Enemy to
retreate, they runne away Horse and Foot in disorder with considerable
losse upon the place, but being not pursued, they rallied
and stood silent at Musket shot distance for one houre, in the
intrim a Lieutenant of ours being amongst them got away, and
informed our men, their distractions were great, their Foot most
run away; whereupon our Horse and Foote resolved to joyne
and stand by one another, so they drew out the Horse, and standed
each Squadron of the Horse with Foote, and 200 Foot marched
in the Reare, and so marched and did draw towards the enemy,
who marched likewise to charge our men, with severall
great bodyes of Horse, our men charging with a shout, the Lord
struck fear into the Enemy that they alsted,and our men killed about
30 on the place, tooke Inchequeens owne Cornet with his
Colours, and one Colours more, with other Prisoners, and pursued
about halfe a mile.
In this service we had not above 200 Horse, the rest all sted
and gone toward Wexford on our part Captaine Meridith was
shot in the legge, and his Horse killed under him, his Lientenant
wounded in the head and shoulders and about ten more killed
and taken. In the mount, the Lord was seen. Look back and view
over your Intelligence since the undertaking of this Irish Service,
and stand admiring at the wonderfull goodnesse of our
God, his making way for our landing, by scattering the Enemy
and destroying them, the execution of vengeance at Droghed a
his appearance at Trim, Dundalke, the Newry, Carlingford, his destroying
most of Trevors 800 Horse at Dramore, his giving us Lisnegerue, Belsast,
Antrim, and of late Colraine as also since our Armies march, into the South
giving us Artlow, wicklow, Inniscorsy, wexford, Rosse, Youghall and Corke, thus
far the Lord hath appeared for us I rest, Your loving Friends;
Dublin 13 Novem. 1649.
J. Hewson.
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