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Severall proceedings in Parliament, Number 9, 23rd-30th November 1649 E.533[26]

I have intelligence come this morning that Trevors is wounded, and skerlocke and
divers other considerable men, and that there is great lamentation, in the Irish Quarters
and that Owen Roc O Neyl is dead.
The Governour of Dublins third Letter.
I Heare the Lord Lieutenant is marched from Rosse towards
the Enemy, so that I Suppose you will heare some things considerable
shortly; two men that came from Kilkenny hither this
day, tells me that the two Armies was within sixe miles one of
another, Col. Pharies Regiment is in Corke and Youghal, and 200
of them is in this Garison, that hath been sick: I am commanded
to send them to the Regiment; since Sir Charles Coot came from
the Leagure, tooke in Colraine, and joyned with venables at
Karicksergus, George Munrre hath been in the Legon, and burned
some places there, but Sir Charles hath send 500 horse to drive
him out; the Scots in Ulster drives their Cattle into the Irish
Quarters. I have sent you a Copy of the Articles agreed between
the Commissioners sent from Ormond and Owes Roes
Commissioners, wherein you will finde the Popish interest is
wholly intended in that conjunction, when all mens eyes bee
opened to see what interest the pretended King and his Ministers
doth pursue; But that God who hath gone out against that Antichristian
crew, will in his good time,yea speedily shatter them
in peeces like a Potters vessell, is the considence of,
Dublin Novem. 19. 1649.
your loving Friend, F. Hemson
There are two great persons of Prince Charles followers upon
Triall for their lives at for sey, where he still is.
There are published excellent long expected Books: One Intituled Planomet it or the
Art of Surveying of Land. Shewing the use of all Instruments there unto belonging, but
especially that of the Plaine Table, a work most necessary to be known and practiced
by every man, who intends either to sell or purchase. Another, called manes Arich
metick, after a more exact, plaine, and casie way then ever, the first by Decimals, sited
for mathematician Merchant, and Tradesmen. The Second the great Rule of Algrbra,
by supposition: with all Parts of the Art Military, with a Cannon of the Powers of imurbers.
Fitted for the meanest Capacity, both Printed for Nath: Brook, at the Angell in
Cornhill. Another, of the Nature, Danger, and Cure of Tentation, in three Parts with
new insertions and Marginall quotations, which were crossed out by the Bishops Chaplains)
By Richard Capel, Sometimes Fellow of Magdalen Colledge in Oxen, Now of Pitchcombe
in Glocestershire, Pinted for John Bartlez at St. Austins gate in Pauls Church-Yard.
Last Sunday night was lost a large Dapple grey Gelding that paces and Tross with
heat in his feet who before had lost a dark Grey trotting mare, wait eyed a band face,
5 years old. And a I tear-bitten grey Gelding that paces and most of 18 Years. Mr.Eddington
of Cotelister wil give content to any that shall help him to less knowledge of them
As on Wednesday last was the first, with great applause of the learned thus presented so
on Wednesday last was of December, God willing, the second publique grais Lecture [unr]
cerning cosmography, will be read at the Academy of Sir Balthakar Gobiter, in white fry
ets at three of the clock in the afternoon; with other Academicall entertainment for the
lovers of learning.
Imprimatur, Henry Scobal. Cler. Parliamenti.

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