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Severall proceedings in Parliament, Number 14, 28th December 1649-4th January 1650 E.533[34]

have thought good to acquaint you, and shal humbly desire the same may
be communicated to the House, which I beleeve will be very acceptable.
I have placed Colonell Venables Governour thereof, and shall further
humbly desire you to acquaint the House, that this Town and Castle
is of the greatest importance of any place in this Province. Which being
all, I take the boldnesse to conclude my selfe.
Your most humble and faithfull Servant.
Charles Coote.
Decemb.13th. 1649
The Messenger that brought the Letters, related to the House,
that the Lord Claneboys is come in, and submitted himselfe to
Sir Charles Coote, and that there being a rumour of the death
of Lieutenant Generall Jones, Sir Theophilus Jones his Brother
sent a servant of his own to understand the truth, who returned
to him with an assurance that the said Lieutenant General Jones
was very well, and in good health.
But by Letters since that, it is certified, that he is since dead,
as you may see by and by.
The Amendments the Act for subscribing the Engagement
were this day reported, and the Act Ordered to be ingrossed.
The Parliament this day Ordered that the House proceed for
a moneths time ensuing, only upon publique businesses, and no
private matters to be medled with for that time.
The House according to former Order adjourned until Tuesday
Saturday 29 Decemb.1649.
A Letter from the Governour of Dublin.
THe Lord is doing great things in Ireland, and here is
many precious fouls who seems to thirst after the discoveries
of Jesus Christ.I received intelligence this day, that Artlow
isbesieged by the Birns & Tooles, I intended to march towards
them with a party tomorrow to raise the siege, Major Stanly
hath taken Drumcre, and placed a Garrison in it, Sir I am,
Your loving Friend,
John Hewson.
Dublin the 12th of
Decemb. 1649.
Mr.Robert Walcop of Lincolnos Inne Esquire, is by Order of
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