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Severall proceedings in Parliament, Number 14, 28th December 1649-4th January 1650 E.533[34]

under the shaddow of this wings yea the mighty God the Lord
will perfect what he hath begun, is the confidence of,
Your loving Friend,
John Hewson.
Dublin 21. Decemb.
Carrickefergus is delivered up unto Sir Charles Coote.
Monday Decemb. 31. 1649.
A Letter from Newcastle.
YOurs per the last post I received, and give you thanks. The
Newes from these parts is not much, I blesse God all the Northern
Garrisons are in an exceeding good condition, and is ready to
withstand any enemy that should approach their walls, all our men
being of one minde, and heart, the windes have been exceeding high
all this weeke, much to the amazement of many, much lightening
and thunder, on Christmas day at night there was such a thunderbolt
at Durham that it did affright many people.
Newcastle Decemb. 28. 1649.
The Newes from Scotland is as followeth.
A PROCLAMATION by the Estates of Scotland, Edenburgh
11 December.1649.
THe Committee of Estates, being desirous out of their care
of the Publicke good, that the quartering of the Forces
through their several localities and in their marching, may be so
regulated and ordered as al wrongs and inconveniencies between
the Souldiers and the Countrey, and all grievances and oppression
between the Tenents and their Masters, and perjudice of the
Heritors by the several Collectors, may be prevented and remedied,
Doth State and Ordain, that the Souldiers both Foot and
Horse, shall be entertained in manner as is after written, viz.
That the Trooper have halfe a peck of Oates and six sheaves
of straw in the twenty foure houres, and that both he and the
Footman be content in their quarters with such entertainment
for their owne dyer as the Tenent take to himselfe, for which
the Tenant is to have retention of nine shillings in the day out of
the Troopers meanes for the Trooper. And four shillings six
pennies out of the Footmans means in the day for the Footman,
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