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Severall proceedings in Parliament, Number 14, 28th December 1649-4th January 1650 E.533[34]

and beside this, the Tenant is to pay to the Trooper three shillings
Scots, and to the Footman eighteene pennies per diem, Of the
which twelve shillings and six shilling respective, The Committee
doth Ordaine the Tenant to have releife by way of retention
out his Masters duty, And hereby discharges him of the
payment thereof to his Master; and it is also Ordained that the
Collector allow to the Heretor the said twelve shillings, and six
shillings in his maintenance.
And if the Trooper or Footman shall be unruly, or not bee
content with such entertainment as the Tenant taketh to himself,
or otherwise, if the Trooper shall not be content of twelve
shillings per diem, and six sheaves of straw in the 24 houres, and
the footman of six shillings per diem, and remove themselves
from the Tenants house, that then upon complaint made to the
chief officer of the Troop or Company residing in the Shire for
the time, the Trooper or Footman so offending, is to be removed
by the said officer, out of the said Troop or Company, and in case
the said Officer refuse or neglect to put this to execution, That
then the Committee of Warre of the Shire upon hearing of the
complaint, and after citing of the said Officer to appeare before
them, returne of the execution thereupon, and verification of the
complaint, Do, likeas they are hereby authorized to signifie
to the said Officer (whether he be compeering or not)that he is
to exercise no farther charge over that Troope or Company,
nor to receive any pay for the same, until such time as he shall
give satisfaction to the Committee of War concerning the said
complaint, or until after tryall of the matter, he be reponed by
the Committee of Estates : And Ordains these presents to bee
Published, and also to bee Printed.
Tho: Henderson
The Printer Printed his name to the said Proclamation
Edenburgh, Printed by Evan Tyler, Printer to the Kings most
Excellent Majesty.1649.
A Letter from Scotland.
NOt a word from Liberton this week, our work is provide
for our own security, nothing from orkney, a Gentleman
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