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Severall proceedings in Parliament, Number 14, 28th December 1649-4th January 1650 E.533[34]

lately come from Ireland faith that Sir Charles Coote hath fallen
upon Ards and Monroe who had four thousand men, he hath killed
many, and scattered them all, Sir Charles Coote
had about 2000 men : since that Knockfergus, is surrendered,
the Gentleman that confirmed this newes
was of Monroes party, and saith that he was in the
fight and escaped to Knockfergus, where hee was at
the rendition of that place. A Lawyer this weeke
for taking excessively of a poore man, and also endeavouring
to cheate him of all he had, had his Gown
torne over his cares in face of all the Court, and himselfe
sent to the Goale till he pay 500 Marke to the
poore man, and he is likewise to expect what further
sentence the Court will inflict upon him, it is an excellent
patterne worthy imitation. Many do endeavour
the purging of our Army, which is a great and
difficult worke, and much strugling on all hands about
it, it is like to be of very great influence which
way soever it take, having nothing else to present
you with at present, I rest,
Edenburgh 23 Decemb. 1649.
Tuesday January 1.1649
THe House this day resumed the debate upon the
report from the Councell of State, touching the
next Summers Guard, which contained:
An Estimate of the charge of fitting and setting
forth to the Seas, forty foure of the State ships, and
eight and twenty Merchants ships, Manned with
eight thousand fourescore and two men, to serve for
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